VOL. 5 VOL. 5 | Page 23

1. Erika Bauer 2. the type of love that gives you butterflies in your stomach 3. making music that makes people feel something 4. Looking up at the sistene chapel in Rome Italy , just seeing the artwork made me cry 5. the girl of my dreams ; a successful touring musician 6. Christian Clancy, because I adore the things that he creates and I think that getting to sit down, and pick his brain and ask him questions about the industry and his creative process would be such a unique learning experience and also I think he’s a really cool guy. 7. on stage playing my heart out, surrounded by people I love 8. Los Angeles 9. I don’t think I’ll ever be fully satisfied but I think it will feel really amazing when I can see and recognize the impact my music will make & when I can take care of my mom 10. feelings / emotions 11. happiness 12. that I grew up in Alaska 13. I go back and fourth, I love being with people but I do need some alone time every now and then 14. I try to be all white, positivity is the key to keeping myself happy and on the right track with where I want to be but, life happens and you cannot appreciate the white if you don’t experience some black, and vice versa