VOL. 5 VOL. 5 | Page 184

It all started from a young age. The black ink had a hold on me, the devil's been playing for keeps. As I child I was often told of all my flaws Physically I wasn't desirable Mentally I wasn't bright enough I had no one my age to talk to and when I did speak no one registered my truth they simply took it with a grain of salt. It got to the point where one day I decided to change However, in that process people got mad at me and the perception I held of myself began to worsen. I was as a child told from the start that there was something wrong with me I had to change or else the world would be cruel to me. Yet, it wasn't considered that all their harsh words and whispered comments were my twisted reality. Those nasty words painted on my skin and then I saw it. It was a little black dot right on my wrist I didn't think much of it at first and it's always the little things that begin to manifest into much bigger problems. All the nights of crying myself to sleep All the countless anxiety induced headaches from the repeating words all the days of praying to God that I could be someone else. Someone with pretty hair Someone who was thin, with straight white teeth someone who wasn't me. One day while in the process of cutting my hair I saw it It was no longer a dot it became a curving mark. I didn't understand. Why was this on me? I remember showing my mother and she screamed. From that day on I was told to cover it and not talk about it to anyone. It was shameful to have such a mark. The white line that was once present on my right arm was being covered I was becoming one with the ink. People made faces I brought shame and if I was lonely before I was now drowning in isolation. This was the beginning of my fall from grace to the grave.