VOL. 5 VOL. 5 | Page 180

“I'm sorry that I dance with the devil, that I immerse myself with his ink, but I do it so that when I come out into the white, I'm able to write my wrongs within forgiveness and without deceit” "Constantly falling back into an old trap, before I am even fully aware of it, I find myself wondering why someone hurt me, rejected me, or didn't pay attention to me. Without realizing it, I find myself brooding about someone else's success, my own loneliness, and the way the world abuses me.... All of these mental games reveal to the fragility of my own faith..."-J.M. Nouwen "As much as I realized how self-destructive my thoughts and actions were, I kept being drawn by my love-hungry heart to deceptive ways of gaining a sense of self-worth." -J.M. Nouwen