The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2020 Vol. 19, No. 1 | Page 29

MEMBERSHIP to deliver the service clients have come to expect. Communication and collaboration Consistent and effective communication has been more important than ever in this unique time where many people are no longer working together in offices and will continue to be key as more people cautiously return to the workplace. Stay close to your co-workers and colleagues, first and foremost to see how they are doing on a personal level, but also to gain an understanding of what’s going on across the business. As certain areas of businesses see an uptick in work, lean on one another for support. As we move forward in this new way of doing business, there is a lot of room for innovation and collaboration on how to reach new clients and stay top of mind in your industry. In times of change, it can sometimes be difficult to see the benefit of slow and steady action moving the needle towards an end goal. And while giant leaps forward are great, focusing on specific items that you can confidently achieve will lead to daily progress and ultimately sustainable change. Something as simple as picking up the phone to check in on colleagues and clients or asking customers about their own experiences can be incredibly impactful. Work together to try to anticipate client needs and opportunities to cross-sell, then outline how you are going to get there together as a team. Break things down into small steps, delegate each segment to the right person, and maintain constant communication – you will be amazed at how much can get done with the right team in place accomplishing things one step at a time, all working in the direction of common, long-term goals. Endurance It is a marathon, not a sprint. Think about exercising or losing weight. You don’t begin by lifting weights seven days straight or running ten miles on day one. Radical changes do not necessarily have staying power. It is proven that small, consistent steps add up and small changes actually stick. Once we realize success early on, it is easier to continue. The same is true for business. Progress is motivating. In this environment, it’s important to stay positive and work on your endurance in order to adapt and succeed in the long term. Continuously improving is more effective than big, sweeping changes when trying to move a business forward. Every step provides you with an opportunity to evaluate your results thus far and adjust as needed, modifying deadlines, strategies, and long-term goals. Track progress to review what you have achieved, big and small, and use it to keep you motivated. To move business forward, you need momentum and the belief that you can accomplish a goal. Maintain an emotional balance sheet for your workforce and lift morale by sharing and celebrating successes across the business with other departments and offices. Whether it is the closing of a deal, a litigation victory, a new client or anything else worth celebrating, once your employees and teams realize initial success, motivation will follow and often have a ripple effect. Focusing on tasks you can confidently achieve can be just as impactful on the individual level. Pick up the phone and call a potential new client, respond to a request for proposal, post a thought leadership piece on LinkedIn, network with others in your industry to learn about their success stories and how they are navigating these unprecedented times. Take those small steps to work towards larger change while maintaining perspective and remembering the big picture. Though none of us knows what the future holds, the small steps taken now to prepare your business for the next stage can lead to impactful accomplishments that will last a long time. Set goals, outline your plans, define deadlines, get started, and stay on track. By rising to the occasion, adapting, and working towards progress during times of change you will find that you’ll grow as a leader, your team will grow stronger as a unit, and hopefully, with the right pieces in place, your business will grow as a result, ultimately benefitting the clients and customers you serve. THE ATLANTA LAWYER 29