Voices of Poetry & Prose Issue #1 June 2014 | Page 8



by Pamela



True feelings


Tortured souls apart

Tongues tangle with longing

Tiptoeing around unknowns

Transparent and vulnerable

Temptations surround us ev'ry where

Throbbing hearts pulse with anticipation

©2014 Poetry by Pamela

Trembling rumbles of crashes

Heard for many miles

Under stormy night skies

New claps of thunder

Drenching rains soak earth

Each crash gets louder

Rattles windows and doors

Announcing a new component

None scares all alone

Disturbing sleep when together

Lasers from sky downward

Instantly lighting the world

Growling thunder, bright lightning

Hits trees and buildings

Turning night into day

Next it becomes dark

Indicating the storm's passing

Nature's cleansing is o'er

Gathering clouds scatter beyond

©2014 Poetry by Pamela

Thunder & Lightening


by Pamela