Voice of UFCW 770 Volume 70, Issue 3 | Page 3

UFCW 770 VOICE | ISSN 1074-8490 | Volume 70, Issue 3 Published quarterly in March, June, September, and December by UFCW Local 770. Chartered by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, CLC. Street Address: 630 Shatto Place, L.A. CA 90005. Mailing Address: Box 770, Hollywood CA 90078 Periodical Postage Paid at Los Angeles, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to VOICE, UFCW 770, Post Office Box 770, Hollywood, CA 90078 Executive Editor: John Grant From the desk of JOHN GRANT In the 80 year history of this Union, leadership has been transferred democratically only once before—when Rick Icaza became President when Ken Edwards retired (36 years ago). Rick led this Union for an entire generation, and his contributions are a legacy we will enjoy for many years. I was blessed with his tutelage during the 31 years I worked at 770, 7 of which were as his Secretary-Treasurer. But I am not Rick. My experiences and understandings are different. With your help, we must now GHˋQHZKDWWKLV/RFDOPXVWQRZORRNOLNHDQGZKHUHLWPXVWJR But many things will not change. Our defense, or resistance, to the attacks upon our members, WKHLUIDPLOLHVDQGWKHLUQHLJKERUKRRGVZLOOFRQWLQXH2XUKRXVHWKHKRXVHRI/DERUZLOOQRWEH quiet. Whether it be wage theft, unjust supervisorial harassment or discipline, or the collective UREEHU\DWWKHEDUJDLQLQJWDEOHWKLV/RFDO8QLRQZLOOQRWRQO\KHLJKWHQRXUSURWHFWLRQZHZLOOEH ORRNLQJIRUQHZZD\VWRSURWHFWRXUPHPEHUDQGWKHLUIDPLOLHV/HWPHMXVWVD\ZHZLOOQRWOHWRXU collective bargaining agreements (the contract) get in the way of justice. Companies have, left and right, disregarded, denied and disrespected our contract and our Voice. That is unacceptable and we will be taking a number of initiatives to bring an end to their games! %XWGHIHQVHFDQQRWEHZLWKRXWDFRXQWHUDWWDFN:HPXVWWDNHDIˋUPDWLYHVWHSVWRQRWRQO\WR SURWHFWRXUVHOYHVEXWWRUHGHˋQHZKDWRXUUROHDVD8QLRQLVZKDWKDYLQJDYRLFHLQWKHVWRUH WKHSODQWWKHIDFLOLW\PHDQV:HPXVWEHERWKUHOHYDQWDQGHIIHFWLYHWRFRQˋUPWKHEHOLHIWKDW this Union is worthwhile. I would suggest this: • This means we must advance the labor movement beyond the border of our contracts; • This means we must strengthen our collaboration with other Unions and community-based organizations to march towards a community where we this country’s riches are shared in a more equitable way; • This means we most importantly, that we must increase the involvement of our membership in each and every campaign we undertake. At the minimum, this means we double the “extended leadership” of this Union. Twice the stewards and workplace activists. Because, we have learned that our contracts will be won on the VKRSˌRRUQRWWKHEDUJDLQLQJWDEOH And the more active membership we have, the more power we have. And the more power we have, WKHPRUHMXVWLFHZHZLOOˋQG And so, Now we GO! John Grant, President 8QLWHG)RRGDQG&RPPHUFLDO:RUNHUV,QWHUQDWLRQDO8QLRQ/RFDO UFCW 770 VOICE | 5