Voice of UFCW 770 Spring 2017 | Page 12

FROM THE FIELD MEMBERS TAKE ON WORK ISSUES TO EDUCATE, EMPOWER AND ENFORCE During the months of February and March, over 22 regional meetings were held throughout the 5 counties within 770’s jurisdiction. Hundreds of members attended and discussed our goals for the years and what issues need to be addressed at our workplaces. The discussions were lively. Together we came up with solutions (and campaign plans to get there) in order to make our workplaces stronger We will begin “reminding” our managers, and Corporate, of our rights. Keeping a record of when we were denied of our rights is extremely important if we need to document the Company’s violation of the contract and state law. When they want to discipline you, you should ____________? Union members (and only Union members) have a special right when loss prevention or management calls you up to their office to question you. If they are asking you questions in order to discipline you, you can a) Demand that your Union representative be present; and b) stop the meeting until your representative can be present. Los Angeles Regional Meeting Some of the issues: Breaking…bad!! Our Union contracts (and state law) protect our right to take the breaks we deserve at work. We immediately implemented a “You Deserve a Break” campaign: This is called a “Weingarten Right”. But you have to ask for it – it won’t be given to you unless you ask. ASK for your break, as defined by your contract. If the store manager does not give it to you, fill out the form. Give Me a (Union) Break! Employee Name:___________________ Store #______________________ Those darn Customer Surveys! Week Beginning Date:_______________ Shift Asked Manager Monday YES NO Tuesday YES NO Wednesday YES NO Thursday YES NO Friday YES NO Saturday YES NO Sunday YES NO 11 Date/Time Break(s) Missed In addition to missing a break, did you miss a meal period? Date(s) Please return your completed form to your Union Steward at the end of your work week. Thank you! Issue 1 More and more companies are using “customer satisfaction surveys” to pressure our members, hold us responsible for their understaffing and mistakes. Discipline, demotion, schedule changes and harassment has become the order of the day in many stores because of these random, arbitrary and unsubstantiated questionnaires. THE VOICE Spring 2017