Voice News Vol.228 4/12/2019 | Page 7

新聞動態 卑詩自由黨呼籲採取實質性措施 應對法律援助撥款需求 華 BC Liberals call for substantive fix to legal aid funding woes (2019年3月29 VANCOUVER (March 29, 2019) – BC Liberal Justice 日)-卑詩自由黨 critic, MLA Michael Lee, is calling for a substantive and long- 省議員及律政事 term solution to the funding crisis faced by legal aid lawyers in 務評論員李耀華 British Columbia. 溫 哥 Lee呼 “Today’s announcement of a one-time grant is nothing 籲,對卑詩法律援 but a quick Band-Aid solution to prevent strike action by 助律師正面臨的撥 legal aid lawyers on Monday,”said Lee, MLA for Vancouver- 款危機提供長期實 Langara. “This does nothing to remedy the serious funding 質性的解決方案。 crisis faced by legal aid services in British Columbia.” Michael 「今天宣布的一次性撥款只是阻止法律援助律師週一罷工的 Only $4 million of the $7.9 million one-time grant is coming 權宜之計,」 Vancouver-Langara選區省議員李耀華表示。「這 from the province, with the rest having to be covered by the 並無助於解決卑詩省法律援助服務面臨的撥款危機。」 Legal Services Society (LSS) and re-allocated from their 省政府只提供790萬撥款當中的400萬,剩餘款項由法律服務 協會支出,及從現有預算重新分配。 existing budget. “Instead of fixing the problem, Attorney General David Eby 「省律政廳長尹大衛只是採取拖延策略把資金洗牌, is simply shuffling money around and kicking the can down the 而非真正解決問題,」李耀華補充,「卑詩省每年有超過 road,” added Lee. “It’s time for the NDP to take this problem 2 5,000省民需要法律援助服務,新民主黨政府是時候認真對待 seriously because the over 25,000 British Columbians who rely on 此問題。卑詩省民值得更好。」 access to legal aid services each year deserve better.”