Vive Charlie Issue 25 | Page 25


Bill Clinton has admitted that he is upset and disappointed that so many young female voters are turning towards Bernie Sanders.

‘I just don’t understand what’s going on,’ Bill said. ‘You’d think women would want to stick together and vote for my Hillary, but it doesn’t seem to be working out that way. And I thought my raw sex appeal would bring in the female vote too but – I don’t know.

‘It’s really strange that all these attractive young women are turning to Bernie Sanders. He looks like the grumpy grandpa who shouts at you to get off his lawn. I’m getting on in years myself but I’m more of the elderly neighbor who offers you a drink on a hot summer’s day and then you wake up sore, sticky and confused the next morning. A white Cosby, if you will.’

It’s not just Bill Clinton who’s confused either. Other higher-ups in the party are also shocked that the Billary ticket isn’t appealing to young female voters. One anonymous member told us: ‘It’s a big surprise, it really is. It’s well known that Bill has spent the last eight years “polling” the female voters in preparation for his wife’s next run. It’s just not working out for them though.’

Privately, Bill has told several friends that he is strongly considering switching his allegiance to the Sanders campaign. As one of his friends reported: ‘Bill’s only ever been into politics for the ladies and he goes where they go. He’ll catch hell from Hillary but he knows how to weather that storm.’

Hillary is putting a brave face on things but sources from inside her campaign team have been spreading rumors that she’s starting to realize that no-one really likes or trusts her. Because of that she is considering switching to the Republican Party.

Privately, Bill has told several friends that he is strongly considering switching his allegiance to the Sanders campaign. As one of his friends reported: ‘Bill’s only ever been into politics for the ladies and he goes where they go. He’ll catch hell from Hillary but he knows how to weather that storm.’

Hillary is putting a brave face on things but sources from inside her campaign team have been spreading rumors that she’s starting to realize that no-one really likes or trusts her. Because of that she is considering switching to the Republican Party.

Bill Clinton Upset That Young Women Are Turning To Bernie Sanders