Vive Charlie Issue 17 | Page 46

Question six.

What is a suitable age

for a new wife?

LOL thats the easiest

20 virgins anyone will

ever earn. The answer is

A, 6 years old

YES, that’s correct.

Well done that moves

you up to 20 virgins on

the scoreboard

The answer is C,

he cut it in half with

his sword

What is a suitable age for a new wife?

B: 18

D: 40

What did Mohammed use to cut the moon in half?

A: Muslamic Ray Gun

B: High powered laser

D: Prayers

So, you've tortured a member of the audience, what is your answer?

C: Sword

YES, that’s correct.

Well done that moves

you up to 40 virgins on

the scoreboard

C: 25

A: 6