Vive Charlie Issue 17 | Page 42

Hello and welcome to 'Who

Wants to be a Martyr Live on Air?',

with me Osama Bin Laden. The aim

of the show is to lure a dumbass bag of skin into becoming a suicide bomber by offering this great suicide vest as our star prize

and, in the afterlife, a place in

paradise with 72 virgins.

Our contestants will be asked

a series of questions and each time

they get one correct they move up the scoreboard. If they answer all 8 questions correctly then its off to Jannah they go via

a big bang in a crowded civilian area.

If a contestant gets stuck

on a question then they have

three options, '50/50' where we will

take away two wrong answers, 'ask Allah' where they can speak to Allah

on the phone, or they can choose to torture a member of the audience

for the answer.

Today's contestant is

Jihadist Joe who lives for

Jihad in Iraq and Syria. He is a genocidal maniac. He currently holds the Jihad record for most kills but he’s looking for a permanent role as a martyr

in Paradise.


Brother Osama