Vive Charlie Issue 17 | Page 34

Episode fourteen. The Secular Alliance is gaining strength in numbers every day as slaves of the oppressive even darker side of the force are attracted by the freedom of expression and choice available in the Secular Alliance. In a bid to stem the flow of apostates, Moe the Merciless will attempt to turn secularists to the even darker side of the force...

Go to the land of the infidels and seek out a member of the Secular Alliance that we can turn to the even darker side of the force

Members of the Secular

Alliance do not have the

qualities we look for such

as bigotry, racism, sexism

and the art of taqiyya, I

don’t think we’ll find

such a person

All organisations have

fringe extremists that do

not conform to the group's core values, they just want

to fit in somewhere. Look

at us for example, we have followers that ignore most

of the Quran and claim

the even darker side of

the force is peaceful

Fair point, there’s always that tiny percentage in a group that damages the reputation of the whole. I’m sure we can find a dumb ass that’s willing to swap infidel bigotry and extremism for our kind of bigotry and extremism

New figures have you seen?

Good they are. The even

darker side of the force has

lost millions of slaves that

are yearning for the freedom and equality we provide

We will continue to fight the good

fight using logic and truth exposing

the big deception of the even darker side of the force - that servitude and obedience doesn't lead to

rivers of wine and an imaginary

sky fairy’s brothel in paradise packed with infidel virgins