Visions of Blockchain Magazine Visions of Blockchain Pillar Unepisode | Page 68

Eike B. Post VoB: Can you please introduce yourself and your project in a few words? Eike: The best Blockchain use case is anything that has to do with trust because, the thing that Blockchain does is, it makes the data not changeable, so you can have more trust in it. So, there will are cryptocurrencies, which I would say is, right now, the biggest use case. But, also things like notaries, legal documents, that need to be trusted. VoB: What would you say to all the scammers? Eike: Well, let’s be honest, there are different kinds of scams in the ICO cryptocurrency Eike: Sure, my name is Eike B. Post, I am an world and, more specifically, I would say in investor, advisor and entrepreneur of several the ICO sector. Blockchain projects. When you say ‚my’ projects, I would say there are two main projects that I’m involved in: One project is Nuclear Block Alliance, which is currently composed of six participating companies that are all in the Blockchain in- vestment ecosystem. Basically, that means ICOs equity tokenization. The other company that I am actively pushing and doing an ICO for shortly, is the result of another company that went bankrupt in May, this year, called Cambridge Analytica. They were working on a data storage and loc- ker platform for increased data privacy, plan- ning on doing an ICO, and then there was the news breakout of the Facebook/Analytica scandal and the company went bankrupt. So now, with this project I’m leading, we took the assets from Cambridge Analytica and we are doing the ICO for them. VoB: In your opinion, what’s the best Block- chain use case? There are a lot of scams in the ICO sector, and the reason for these scams is, they are projects that do not have to have a product, they just write a White Paper, they- ’re able to get a lot of money from investors all over the world and, there is no longer this connection between investors and startups. Every kind of every startup would have to per- sonally know the investors, and that’s not the case if you do a crowdfunding via an ICO and the projects that are proposed are generally at a very, very early stage. There are a lot of scammers, in many ways. There are scammers that are impersonating the ICO, and they are trying to get money from the investors to be sent to them, even though they’re not the ICO. Then you have the founder scammers, the fo- unders that are getting the money and, after they get the money, they do not execute the project. There are those that are doing this in an obvious way, they get the money and then shut down the project visibly, for everybody.