Visions of Blockchain Magazine Visions of Blockchain Pillar Unepisode | Page 36

remember it, it’s called Facebook and Google. If we program artificial intelligence the same way I remember this thing came out and we’re thin- that we are thinking, we will get the same thing. king, we’re going to talk to everyone in the world, This technology is really revolutionary. It’s truly we’re going to get all kinds of diverse opinions in revolutionary, and it’s evolutionary as well. our feed, we’re going to get better information, People don’t like the word: oh, not a revolution... we’re going to have much more freedom and It’s evolution, right? It’s a natural evolution, and much more free flow of information and facts. you see this in natural ecosystems. That’s not all we got, right? If you listen to evolutionary biologists, I didn’t What we got are these small siloed groups. know there was a name for it, evolutionary biology! Another thing we got was information tainted by In the beginning, organisms are very competiti- money, and relationships tainted by money. The ve, and there’s a moment when competition is reason we got that is, that was our culture. too expensive which means, if you keep compe- Right now, we have artificial intelligence. ting, it’s too hard for you to get the next thing or So, let’s just talk about purchasing something. you’re starting to die off. This artificial intelligence knows us, so if we start If you kill off all of the things that you eat becau- ordering bigger trousers than we ordered last se you’re overpopulated, you’re going to die off. month, it will start selling us bigger trousers, but Humanity is very clearly at that point. instead, we should program it to sell us a gym A new product that really makes life better is membership. extremely expensive to get into the market in It’s neutral value. It has neutral values, and we a competitive environment, it’s too expensive didn’t think about that. to improve ourselves. So we are noticeably kil- We didn’t think: is there some other way to opti- ling ourselves, and each other. There are some mize it around human values, rather than around indices that say there’s more peace and we’re selling more stuff? killing less of each other but, if you look at the We just optimize it around some more stuff, murder rates, I don’t know if we’re killing less of some more stuff. This person likes junk food, each other. let’s keep selling them junk food, and let’s sell We’re certainly killing ourselves by dirtying up them more expensive junk food. It doesn’t think: the air and the water. From an evolutionary po- let’s try and move them to a more natural pro- int of view, it’s necessary, and it’s an existential duct. problem. It doesn’t say, this person is buying a lot of goods Are we going to survive? that have to be own overseas to them but, actu- Decentralization has this promise that we’re ally there’s a local producer for about the same going to decentralize everything, we’re going price that pollutes the air less, let’s try and sell to know where our coconut comes from, we’re them local. We just optimized it, they like this, going to be able to buy carbon offsets that are con- let’s sell them more this, and a little bit more nected to our coconut, we’re going to be able to expensive. That’s the problem we’ve got. create the biodiversity token, we’re going to be Now, we’ve got Blockchain. We can talk to any- able to create the clean water token, we’re going body in the world, we can get more real information, to be able to pay hobos to pick up litter off the more truth. street, we’re going to be able to have the good The same story where we say, oh, it’s gonna be coin, the love coin, the peace coin, the pursuit of a happy new world! happiness coin.