Visions of Blockchain Magazine Visions of Blockchain Pillar Unepisode | Page 22

We had many inspiring discussions, and we don’t care about time as it feels like we’re in another universe, and we’re not waiting for tomorrow - it’s right now. We are changing the world already, step by step. Our goal at Visions of Blockchain is to be an alternative, to offer people trustable information, and direct it at the people who are in the industry to develop ideas further. However, everything exists in the univer- se, restriction and creation at the same time. This doesn’t mean we have to fight, that’s not the point. We want to propose something different, and I think it will be somewhere in between. Not black, not white. It can change all the time, and it has to. Too often, we make long term rules for a world that is constantly changing and, in my opinion, we now have to bridge those gaps so that society is more inclusive. At VoB, we want to reach more people than just the Blockchain community, we want to reach as many people as possible. In your opinion, what do you think Vi- sions of Blockchain can do to reach more people, to get people involved and con- cerned, and to change their idea that it’s too complicated, or that they must be an expert to read it? Tomer: The first thing that any information provider or content creator should think about, in order to reach the 99 percent of the world that knows nothing about Block- chain and nothing about decentralization, is to stop saying the key words that we’re using all the time in the industry. To show that there are alternatives right now that will make them want to simplify their lives. They’re going to make it more efficient, they’re going to save money, and we’re trying to give back their freedom, without using big words. E.g., Decentrali- zed ledger technologies; Blockchain. You say Blockchain, and people are alre- ady scared. They don’t know, and don’t need to know what Blockchain is. It’s not important. They need to know that their data, for example, if we’re talking specifi- cally about the problem of data that Pillar is working on solving, that it’s their data, it’s under their control and its secure. They don’t need to understand anything else, just that it’s going to be more efficient, secure and sustainable, and improve their lives. That’s what our, the Blockcha- in Foundation, VoB, etc protocols are, to constantly communicate. Again, it’s about education, and making sure that we are going beyond the 1 per- cent of the world that is interested about our „little thing” here in the Blockchain community. No, it’s about the 99 percent out there, the 99 percent that know no- thing about Blockchain. How do you enable them, the machinery companies, the agricultural companies, the pharma companies, the medical companies, to raise money faster and cheaper? They don’t need to know that it’s Blockchain. They need to know that this tokenization, these things we’re introducing, will help provide liquidity, and with liquidity the process becomes frictionless and helps them raise money faster and cheaper, and it’s completely regulated. That’s what they need to know. The most important thing is, have no fear.