Vision Summer 2017 | Page 7

With adult kids and a deep desire to follow God’s call, 50 somethings Rob and Deb began to discern where God was leading them in cross-cultural mission. They are now our newest team members serving in Cambodia. 1. In God’s redemptive plan for the world, how did you know where He was calling you to serve? In our experience God’s calling wasn’t a clear communication, it was more like a rising conviction that lead us into a time of discernment and discovery. It was this process that determined our work would be in Cambodia. 2. Do you think age impacts your experience in mission work? With age comes experience and maturity, and in Khmer culture, with age also comes respect. Although we are only in our 50s we are considered ‘elders’ in this community and we are humbled in receiving this status. We are here to seek opportunities to draw on and share our experiences, sharing our knowledge with wisdom that comes from God. 3. D  id you ever question if there would be different stages in life where you would be more useful to God? In our experience, God’s work is most effective when it is not influenced by our feelings of usefulness. We know that even at our weakest, God’s work in us and through us is often even more powerful. Regardless of the stages we are at, we can only hope to be useful in God’s redemptive plan for the world. 4. T  hroughout adult life, at different ages and stages, do you think God has used you differently? It seems to us that there are seasons regardless of age or stage. In preparation for the mission field we attended Bible College, and at present we feel like children again learning a new language and culture. We are confident that this is a season of preparation for our work in Cambodia. 5. W  hat is the most significant memory in your preparation to serve in mission work? Cross- cultural exposure activities have been both significant and memorable. Many times we are reminded that in our own strength we are way out of our depth, but in God we are being equipped. With this knowledge we feel a memorable sense of awe at what God can do as we hand over our preparation plans and seek God’s plans for our preparedness. To get a picture of what God’s call might look like in action, we’ve interviewed a few people journeying with God and mission. 2017 has been a big year of preparation for Pete and Nomes, and 2018 looks to be a even bigger year of transition. Along with their three young children, Pete and Nomes are about to move to Central Asia to serve among the H people. 1. W  hat does preparing to be a cross-cultural worker look like? Truthfully at first it looks like a lot of work! Bible College, specialised cross-cultural worker training, preliminary language and culture learning... What at first appeared to be burdensome has in fact been genuinely life giving and transformative. Preparing has drawn us closely to our supporters and the Global Interaction team has prepared us each step of the way. We are so grateful to all who have journeyed with us. 2. As you embarked on this journey did you seek out a mentor? We had a tribe of mentors. Through each of them God has spoken purposefully into our lives. Our pastor and church members, the Global Interaction team, and other candidates all have shared wisdom and have offered guidance that has served us well and has contributed to where we are today. 3. D  id you feel you were following a specific or general call from God? As Christians, we believe a general calling is to go and make disciples. We did feel a more specific calling to serve amongst the least-reached peoples. Global Interaction has facilitated a process of discernment to confirm our convictions. 5. H  ow do you explain to your children the decision to live and serve in another? Our discernment process involved the kids. We talked openly and prayed with them as much as possible. We shared with them the concept of being open for God to lead our family life, and we visited the city we will be living in. This trip created excitement for us all and raised questions from our s on in particular that we were able to discuss with him. 6. What has been the most daunting step so far? How did you get through it? After acknowledging God’s call the most daunting step was to follow. We were faced with certain initial fears but once we decided to go we received an overwhelming sense of peace and affirmation. VISION SUMMER 2017 6