Vision Spring 2016 | Page 8


Updates from cross-cultural workers serving with Global Interaction teams among least-reached groups .


Catherine ’ s friends Maly and Sokchea are two incredibly funny , compassionate and strong Khmer women . They deeply yearn for truth and transformation in their own lives and in the lives of their families . They have both grown up in families influenced by Buddhism , animism and the memory of ancestors . They have a Khmer cultural heritage and worldview but have many questions ; they want to know and understand how to live wise and positive lives .
As the three women share together , they talk about many things like politics , education and Khmer customs , or what they ’ ve been up to . They also talk about Jesus and how He cared for others , stood up against injustice and called people to a different way of living .
One evening last month when the three women planned to catch up , Catherine arrived home late . As she turned the corner to the front door of her apartment , Maly and Sokchea were patiently waiting for her , laughing at the foreigner who seemingly didn ’ t understand that ‘ foreigner time ’ meant being punctual . When they went inside , fine wood dust from sanding and repairs the landlord had done that day had settled over the floor and other things in the room . Since the floor is the place where they sat , Maly and Sokchea simply told Catherine to go and have a shower , freshen up , and let them deal with everything else . As Catherine protested , Sokchea laughed and said , “ When we talk about Jesus , we talk about how He showed people how to look after one another . Now we are looking after you !” - Catherine

Central Asia

Kevin ’ s former language tutor Bb was a young man from the H people group who moved to Europe to further his education . Recently Bb contacted Kevin to ask if he could stay for a week as he had job interviews with two universities . Kevin ’ s apartment is within walking distance of both universities . Kevin felt honoured that their friendship was such that Bb could ask to stay . Bb is a former English student of some of the Global Interaction team and has had many discussions about faith . We pray that through Kevin ’ s friendship Bb will come to follow Jesus . - Kevin

Silk Road Area

David and Eliza spend time each day learning the culture and language . As they do this they build relationships and have deep conversations with their language tutors . Eliza has been learning through sharing stories , including those from the Old Testament . It has opened up conversations about creation , identity and Jesus . From this her language nurturer has developed an interest and now takes the initiative to read the Bible for herself . - David and Eliza


The Yawo Men ’ s and Women ’ s Bible study groups are growing in number and meeting regularly . Upon learning about God ’ s generous love they decided to look around them and ask God to whom they might show His generous love .
Mama Gift is a widow whose father also recently passed away . She lives in a small house with her four children . It has a leaky thatched roof and dirt floor . The groups decided to help her by not only giving her some food , but also building her a new house ! Everyone pitched in and gave what they could . The new house has brick walls and an iron roof .
This has changed Mama Gift ’ s life . She was so overwhelmed and thankful . Her son ’ s worked side by side with the men , wanting to be part of this incredible gift . Mama Gift now comes to the Ladies Group and wants to learn more about God ’ s plan for her life . - Tim and Mel