VISION Issue 41 | Page 32

VISION 41 — BLACK BEAUTY How difficult was it to resolve that façade system when you could have easily opted for a standard system? A standard system implies that it stands alone. I attempt to fuse systems together in a way that allows one to abet another whilst retaining the performance required of each system or element. I regard this as potentially more efficient and certainly more interesting architecturally. Building formed that way possess greater potency due to the multi-valent idea that characterises each element of the composition derived as it is a composite of differing demands. In this case the atrium and stair supports and the idea of a patterned frame defining a super-scaled lantern-like element are all combined as a single structural system. This system takes into account the spanning capacity of glass no less than the deflection limits of the steel and the performance aspects of other components all of which have a critical inter-dependence. And that brings us back to the level of technical advice and assistance offered by companies like Viridian: it’s their expertise that is invaluable when materials are subjected to the demands of architectural expression over and above conventional applications. How do you know your design limitations? You don’t until you test them rigorously and often on a single project. Design is not just an individual exercise. Designing and constructing buildings is a team effort and one which increasingly is best done as an integrated exercise. The team provides expertise across multiple disciplines allowing designers to test their limits. it is therefore imperative that as much expertise as possible resides within the group of experts that collectively create a building. A team approach rather than diluting the architecture actually allows it to flourish to a maximum by virtue of the problem solving capacity of the participants. Architects should be aware that they are usually the ones who are most demanding in that respect and therefore should be the first to appreciate the invaluable assistance that experts, like Viridian, bring to the possibility of stretching the limits of design.