Vision Autumn 2017 | Page 8

AROUND THE TEAMS Updates from cross-cultural workers serving with Global Interaction teams among least-reached groups. Yawo On a recent visit to Malawi, Ian reconnected with a good friend and village chief, Mr S. One evening they had a meal together and had a deep conversation about the Holy Spirit before Mr S brought up the passage of 1 Timothy 3, where Paul writes about the characteristics of a leader. Through Mr S’s observations of Yawo leaders, he believed them to be religious, though not living out what they teach. He felt that their actions didn’t reflect their words. After a long conversation about this, Ian asked Mr S if he aspired to be a leader in the faith community, if he aspired to being a leader who lived out the characteristics Paul wrote about. Mr S replied, “Yes, very much!” and Ian then anointed him with oil and prayed for him, asking specifically that God would lead him and equip him more for his role as a leader in the Yawo faith community. H people Local H students often connect with ex-pats so they can help each other with language. Recently two students expressed to Kevin an interest in reading the Bible. One of them had a copy (including an English translation) which she shared with her male friend. Kevin agreed to regularly meet them over coffee and read from the Bible so they could practise their English. Kevin checks pronunciation and explains the meanings of words. Through the studies they have commented on the life-changing experiences that occur through encounters with Jesus. Kevin’s new friend has recorded on her phone the passages they have read together. What a joy to hear those recordings! 8 GLOBAL INTERACTION K people In K culture, the youngest daughter-in-law is expected to carry out all the housework, meal preparation and child-rearing duties. For four young mums on the Silk Road, they support each other by heading to a cafe once a month to eat lagman noodles, salad and drink Pepsi and milky tea. They chat about their husbands, parenting and life sharing how they are feeling for a couple of fleeting hours away from the burdens and expectation of family duties. Recently they invited Eliza along to their special tea-time where they shared their experiences of being mothers and supported each other in life’s challenges. Eliza hopes that as their friendships deepen she will be able to share the source of her strength and hope. Ethnic Thai Luke and Belle have begun meeting weekly with some of the teenagers from the faith community at their home. One of the teenagers, Jarm, is enthusiastic because she feels it’s the first time she has truly studied God’s Word. Luke and Belle believe that the Holy Spirit is revealing Himself to her. One of the other teenagers is Frank, who is the son of one of the faith community leaders. He has talked about seeing ghosts and running away from them in fear but Luke and Belle are encouraging him to ask for God’s comfort and help when he is afraid. They are praying that Jarm would respond to Jesus as her God and Frank would know Jesus’ authority over all spiritual things.