Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Annual Report Annual Report 2016 | Page 17

Weiwei Deng Associate Professor PhD - Yale University Fluid dynamics of low-dimensional liquid subjects & applications in additive manufacturing EES NES RADS BMNS DMM John Ferris Associate Professor PhD - University of Michigan Automotive engineering, Stochastic modeling, Modeling and simulation Energy Engineering and Science Thomas Diller Professor PhD - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Heat flux sensor development and calibration EES NES RADS BMNS DMM EES NES RADS BMNS DMM 17 Robotics, Autonomous, & Dynamical Systems Chris Fuller Samuel Langley Distinguished Professor PhD - University of Adelaide, Australia Structure acoustics, Active noise control, Advanced composite materials for noise reduction Energy Engineering and Science EES NES RADS BMNS DMM Robotics, Autonomous, & Dynamical Systems Tomonari Furukawa Professor PhD - University of Tokyo, Japan Multiphysics system analysis and design, Computational and experimental mechanics EES NES RADS BMNS DMM Robotics, Autonomous, & Dynamical Systems Alireza Haghighat Professor PhD - University of Washington Multi-stage response-function particle transport methodologies EES NES RADS BMNS DMM EES Energy Engineering and Science Michael Ellis Associate Professor PhD - Georgia Institute of Technology Fuel cell systems for building cogeneration, Fuel cell performance modeling EES NES RADS BMNS DMM Energy Engineering and Science Azim Eskandarian Professor & Department Head PhD - The George Washington University Dynamic systems and controls, Intelligent systems, Multi-body and impact dynamics EES NES RADS BMNS DMM RADS BMNS DMM Nuclear Engineering and Science Warren Hardy Associate Professor PhD - Wayne State University Impact and injury response and tolerance properties of biological materials Srinath Ekkad Rolls Royce Professor PhD - Texas A&M University Gas turbine heat transfer, Combustion, and cooling; Heat transfer in complex systems EES NES Robotics, Autonomous, & Dynamical Systems NES RADS BMNS DMM Bio, Micro, and Nano Systems