Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2018 | Page 39

2 ›› LOWER-BODY AND HIP-HINGE STRENGTH DEADLIFT (SINGLE-LEG, TWO ARMS, TWO KETTLEBELLS) 1. Place two kettlebells or dumbbells on a stool about six to 12 inches high, then stand. 2. Stand in front and close to the stool, on one leg that is slightly bent with your other leg behind you. 3. As you hinge at the hip to perform the deadlift movement, your other leg will extend back to create a straight line from your ankle to your ear. 4. Place your hands on the weights with a firm grip, then hinge back up, holding the weights until your spine is vertical and the weights are by your side. This will allow your other leg to return beside your “standing” leg. 5. Hinge back down to lower the weights to the stool, and repeat the movement to return to standing. Repeat five times, then change to the opposite standing leg. To increase complexity, stand on one leg and hold the weight in the same-side hand. When that gets too easy, hold the weight in the opposite hand from your standing leg. To watch the full video go to: two_arms_two_kettlebells 3 ›› INCREASING VERTICAL POWER GOBLET SQUAT 1. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell out in front of you at collarbone height. 2. Squeeze your elbows in close and keep your feet shoulder-width apart with a slight turnout. 3. Lower your body into a full deep squat, keeping your elbows inside of your knees. 4. Return to a standing position. Repeat five times. If you want to work on speed, ditch the weight and follow the same movements to perform a squat jump. Repeat five times. To watch the full video go to: with_dumbbell J U LY / A U G U ST 2 0 18 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 37