Ville Magazine l Insider Access for City Lifestyle May/Jun 2016 / Health & Fitness Issue | Page 39

GET FIT Baby Got Back Written by: Yasmin Tavakoli / Photo: Lyashenko Egor Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with a behind that emulates that of Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce. Some of us have an average butt that often gets overlooked and is not worthy of placing a cup on. Have no fear. We are here to help you achieve those double takes when you walk by. PULSATING TRY TO RESIST Taking your squats to a faster and more vigorous level will get you to where you want to be much faster. Standing with your feet hip-width apart and arms stretched out in front, do a squat and hold it at the bottom as you pulse a few inches up and down. Start off with 3 sets, 20 reps each. Once you have mastered your squat pulses, add a barbell and continue to up the difficulty level by adding weights to each end of the bar. A resistant band is a gift delivered straight from the glute gods. It not only has endless workout routines circulated around the band, but it is something you can take with you and do anywhere. A great sculpting exercise for your buttocks and hips is to lie on your left side and prop your upper body on your left elbow with your hips stacked and your knees bent. Place a resistant band around both knees. Staying in your raised position, separate and lift hips as far as they can go and slowly return back to the starting position. Do 25 reps on each side. STEP UP It’s always good to have a cardio warm-up before any workout. The StairMaster is the cardio machine that focuses the most on the glute area. So if you prefer cardio but don’t want to lose your butt, then this is the machine for you. Increase the amount of steps you are doing every few minutes so you don’t get too comfortable. Remember that you’re working out -- not just walking up stairs. Increasing and lowering your pace will burn more calories than just keeping it at one level for your StairMaster session. If you get bored, you can switch it up a bit by crossing your legs while you step, by stepping sideways, or by turning around and walking up backwards. Do at least 30 minutes, three days a week. WAKE IT UP Want to fixate on an extreme sport that works towards bettering the booty? Wakeboarding not only targets your glutes, but your legs as well. Whether it’s balancing on the board, falling and getting up, or shredding it on the waves, your wakeboarding session will work your butt to the ninth. Don’t know how to wakeboard? Take a lesson with Northwest Riders on Lake Washington in Kirkland and Kenmore. Fair warning: you may have a hard time walking the next day, but in the end it will be worth it. HEALTH & FITNESS ISSUE l VILLE l 39