Via April 2017 | Page 56

Streetwear and fashion culture as a whole has changed, there’s a distinct growth in resell on particular branded items such as Supreme, paired with a reduction in brand exploration. Boundaries of this genre are so wide, they could encapsulate brands at either end of the spectrum if a handful of pieces fall into line- there’s no defiant meaning anymore, which is why we struggle to label it.

No longer is streetwear about an expression of self-interest, but a representation of wealth and opportunity to announce this over a variety of media formats to others. Every genre takes on this form, which exemplifies a conclusive point and metaphorical mesh amongst styles.

To conclude, it must be highlighted that none of this change is negative, no interlinking should be seen as a flaw in the slightest. In retrospect, blending across genres should be encouraged instead of frowned upon; without progression nothing would be at the stage of which it is currently situated thus no new trends or brands would surface. We would get bored, a mixture of styles keeps fashion interesting; it’s an essential factor balancing an envelope otherwise stale as time passes by.

On A Final Note