Vet360 Vol 4 Issue 2 April 2017 Vet360 | Page 10

Article sponsored by Petcam ® SURGERY maximize urethral diameter, but incision beyond this point will place excessive tension on the stoma when suturing the perineal skin. When a mosquito haemo- stat can be passed up to the hinge, the urethral diame- ter is sufficient and suturing can begin (Figure 7). Step 8. At this point, remove the retractors and place initial sutures beginning at the apex of the urethrostomy (dorsally). I place the su- tures from inside to out (urethral mucosa to skin), placing one interrupted suture in the center of the urethra and the proximal aspect of the incision, followed by two more interrupted sutures 45 degrees to the initial suture, spacing about 1 to 2 mm between sutures (Figure 8). It is helpful to preplace all three of these sutures to maximize exposure of the mucosa and achieve perfect placement. Successful apposition of mucousa to skin is crucial at this point, so use of magnification is encouraged. If you are in doubt, take the sutures out and replace them. 8 Figure 7 7 Step 7. Next, carefully incise the urethra at a distal location with a scalpel blade to make a small stab incision over the red rubber cath- eter (Figure 6) The tissue is thicker than you may initially expect, and a firm incision is required to penetrate the ure- thral lumen, exposing the catheter. Extend the ure- thral incision by inserting the fine tenotomy scissors into the incision and moving proximally to the level of the bulbourethral glands. The incision may be extend- ed about 1 cm cranial to the bulbourethral glands to Figure 9 Step 9. After placement of these three key su- tures at the dorsal aspect of the urethrosto- my, complete the stoma by placing interrupt- ed sutures spaced 1 to 2 mm apart, creating a drain board of urethral mucousa. Then lightly ligate the penis and transect it distally before completing the stoma (Figure 9). 9 Technique modifications A few modifications have been developed to achieve optimal results. Figure 8 vet360 Issue 02 | APRIL 2017 | 10