Vet360 Vet360 Volume 4 Issue 5 | Page 34

DENTISTRY • Mandibular symphyseal separations are not true fractures. The symphysis is a joint. If needed, the separation can be stabilized with suture, wire or light cured composite (6A- 6I). Figure 4A. A left mandibular fracture between the first and second molars. Figure 6A. A symphyseal separation. Figure 4B. Repair with hemisection and vital pulp therapy of the first molar, orthodontic buttons, a splint and an external fixator. • For many minimally displaced jaw fractures, you can use a tape muzzle or loose-fitting commercial muzzle that al- lows for food lapping to stabilize the area. • External fixators work well in many mandibular fractures (Figure 5). Figure 5. An external fixator used to complement repair of the above first and second molar fracture (Figures 4A and 4B). vet360 Issue 04 | AUGUST 2017 34 Issue 05 | OCTOBER 2017 | 34 Figure 6B. An 18-ga needle used to feed suture around the left rostral mandible.