Vet360 Vet360 Volume 4 Issue 5 | Page 21

s CPD ACCREDITED ARTICLE CPD Questions 1. Which one of the following scenarios describes displacement behaviour the best? a. Two dogs barking at a person walking past the gate, suddenly attack each other b. A dog shivering with fear when entering the veterinary practice c. Dog suddenly scratching at his collar when asked a more diffi- cult task at dog training d. A dog barking at you to gain attention e. A dog jumping up onto you when you enter the door 2. Which one of the scenarios below is more likely in dogs show- ing compulsive disorders? a. The dog start chasing its tail when the owner gets the lead out to take the dog for a walk b. Licking of a paw develops slowly over time in times of conflict c. Spinning is typically seen when everything is calm in the house- hold d. Flank sucking would be expected when visitors ring the doorbell e. The dog starts chasing it’s tail at bedtime 3. Which scenario stated below could lead to the development of a compulsive disorder? a. Owners employing a strict routine b. Owners religiously going to training every Saturday c. Owners supplying a lot of food dispensing toys making the dog work for its food d. Owners going through a divorce e. Owners exercising the dogs regularly 4. Which one of the following signs would make you think that you are dealing with a compulsive disorder rather than a medical disorder? a. The owner can predict when the behaviour is likely to occur b. The behaviour seems to occur at any time during the day and does not appear to be related to a specific event c. The dog seems unaware of what is going on around him when he shows the abnormal behaviour d. The dog seems to be affected for some time after a bout of intense abnormal behaviour e. The dog seems to be able to feel the event approaching and becomes “needy” and close to the owner 5. Which one of the following cases has the best prognosis? a. A dog is licking his paw, but when the owner shouts at him he stops for a few hours b. The dog gets aggressive when the owner tries to restrain him from chasing his tail c. The dog is constantly looking for a light to chase d. A Doberman is sucking its flank e. A dog which licks his carpus until there is an open raw area 6. You have treated a dog diagnosed with ALG with Fluoxetine. The dog is doing really well and the owners would like to stop giving the drug. If it took 8 weeks for the drug to show the de- sired effect, and the dog has been on the higher dose of the drug for another 36 weeks, over how many weeks should they taper the drug dosage? a. 8 weeks b. 9 weeks c. 10 weeks d. 11 weeks e. No need to taper off AC/1760/17 7. An 8 month old intact male Bull Terrier is presented at your clinic with the tail tip bleeding profusely. The own- er tells you that the dog started chasing and biting the tip of the tail about 3 weeks ago. The first incident happened when they had a children’s birthday party at home and they locked the dog away in the courtyard. The dog does not chase its tail all day, and only shows the behaviour when the dog gets excited. Which one of the foll owing treatment regimens is the best option? a. Since the tail is so badly damaged you decide to amputate the tail at the tail base to treat the tail injury and to prevent the dog from chasing the tail again b. You amputate the tail tip and recommend food dispens- ing toys to keep the dog busy. You give the owners a bitter solution to put on the tail bandage to prevent the dog from biting it. c. You amputate the tail tip and place a buster collar to prevent the dog from reaching his tail. d. You treat the tail injury and recommend food dispensing toys, training and routines. You tell the owners not to lock the dog away again and try to prevent the dog from getting too excited. You decide against medication because the behaviour only started recently. If needed you can add it later. e. You treat the tail injury and recommend food dispensing toys, training and routines. You tell the owners to avoid sit- uations where the dog gets very excited. You start the dog on the higher dose range of Fluoxetine straight away. 8. You are presented with a 5 year old Doberman with thick, raised and ulcerated lesions on both its front legs. The own- er says the dog is constantly licking her feet and no matter what she does the dog does not stop. This has been going on for nearly a year now. What psychoactive treatment would you chose to begin with? a. Fluoxetine b. Amitriptyline c. Alzam (alprazolam) d. Adaptil e. ACP 9. Clinical / systemic disease can be confused with com- pulsive behaviours . Which one of those listed below is not likely to cause confusion? a. Seizures b. Brain tumour c. Joint pain d. Atopy and pruritis e. Gastrointestinal disease 10. Which one of the statements below best describes the outcome/prognosis for compulsive disorders? a. Intermittent relapses are common b. Control rather than cure is likely c. Poor outcome can be expected without environmental en- richment d. A holistic management approach gives best chance for control e. All of the above To answer the questions, follow the link to CPD solutions from or use the App. To answer through sms system use the following code: a56936. *CPD for Vet360 subscribers (R360 per annum) Issue 05 | OCTOBER 2017 | 21