Vet360 Vet360 Vol 4 Issue 6 | Page 39


CPD Questions

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To answer the questions , follow the link to CPD solutions from www . vet360 . vetlink . co . za or use the App . To answer through sms system use the following code : a86368 . * CPD for Vet360 subscribers ( R360 per annum )
1 . Which one of the substances listed below is not part of the major anti-oxidant systems in the body ? a . Superoxide dismutase b . Glutathione peroxidase c . Vitamin C d . Vitamin E e . Vitamin A
2 . Which one of the substances listed below is one of the most
“ toxic ” in the body ? a . Iron b . Zinc c . Selenium d . Transferrin e . Copper
3 . Which one f the statements listed below is correct ? a . The oxidised α-tocopheroxyl radicals produced that are a terminal product and cannot be recycled back to the active reduced form b . Vitamin C can be synthesised in the canine liver but cannot be stored . c . Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin found in high concentrations in fruit and vegetables . d . Carotenoids from the diet are stored in the muscle tissues of animals . e . L-carnitine facilitates the transportation of long chain fatty acids from the mitochondria after they have undergone β – oxidation
4 . The acronym DISHAAL has been used to describe the categories of clinical signs shown in cognitive dysfunction . Which one of the definition of the acronym listed below is CORRECT ? a . Disorientation , Insecurity , Sleep-Wake cycle , House soiling , Activity level , Anxiety , Learning b . Disorientation , Interactions , Sleep-Wake cycle , Habitus , Activity level , Anxiety , Learning c . Disorientation , Interactions , Sleep-Wake cycle , House soiling , Appetite , Anxiety , Learning d . Disorientation , Interactions , Sleep-Wake cycle , House soiling , Activity level , Anxiety , Learning e . Decreased activity , Interactions , Sleep-Wake cycle , House soiling , Activity level , Anxiety , Learning
5 . A 12 year old cat presents with an owner complaint of increased restlessness , night waking and vocalisation . Which of the listed conditions below is unlikely to be a differential diagnosis ? a . Hyperthyroidism b . Diabetes mellitus c . Cognitive dysfunction syndrome d . Territorial behaviour e . Organic brain disease – neoplasia
6 . Which one of the statements listed below on owner perception of cognitive dysfunction in their pets is INCORRECT ? a . 28 % of owners of dogs aged 10 – 11 years old report at least one sign of cognitive change b . 68 % of owners of dogs aged 15 – 16 year old report at least one sign of cognitive change c . 75 % of owners of dogs aged 7 years and older reported at least one change in behaviour consistent with cognitive dysfunction d . Evaluation of data from laboratory animals studied with standardised assessment tools shows that the typical age for onset of decline in cognitive function starts at about 10 years of age e . 12 % of owners of dogs had reported the change to their veterinarian
7 . Brain ageing is a physical and metabolic process . Which one of the statements listed below is INCORRECT ? a . In dogs with cognitive dysfunction there is an increased accumulation of beta -amyloid plaques and perivascular infiltrates . b . Cerebral arteriorsclerosis may also be seen in older dogs and cats resulting in compromised blood flow . c . The brain is highly metabolically active consuming 25 % of available glucose . d . Ketone bodies cannot be used as an alternative energy source for the brain . e . The brain may be particularly susceptible of the effects of free radicals because of its high lipid content , high rate of oxidative metabolism and limited ability for regeneration
8 . Which one of the drugs listed below would be the last choice in a senior pet with clinical signs of cognitive dysfunction . a . Selegilene b . Clomipramine c . Propentophylline d . Alprazolam e . Adrafanil
9 . Which one of the following statements regarding dietary supplementation of nutraceuticals in cognitive dysfunction is CORRECT ? a . High levels of specific antioxidants have shown benefit in the treatment of cognitive dysfunction . b . Combinations of nutraceuticals as part of a complete diet has shown laboratory and clinical efficacy . c . There is sufficient data available from research trials to guide selection of nutraceutical supplementation . d . The addition of antioxidant supplements is only of value once clinical signs become evident . e . The dietary supplementation of nutraceuticals is as effective withor without environmental enrichment / management
10 . Cats are not small dogs . Which one of the interventions listed below is NOT advised in managing cats with cognitive dysfunction . a . Do not change in their environment and routine b . Keep the cat awake during daylight hours . c . Affected cats they may benefit from having their area of access reduced in size to a single room containing everything they need d . Evironmental application of synthetic feline appeasement pheromone ( Feliway ®) can help in reducing feline anxiety . e . The daily treatment of cats with anxiolytic medications is a vital to manage feline cognitive dysfunction .
Issue 06 | DECEMBER 2017 | 39