Vet360 Issue 2 Volume 3 | Page 38

CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Sensitivity of a test means “positivity in disease”, which means a sensitive test has no or few false negatives. The more sensitive a test the more likely you are to get false positives if your test population is not properly selected. Specificity means” negativity in health” - which means few or no false positive test results. The more specific a test is the more likely you are to get a false positive in a poorly selected test population. With the Spec cPL test: We know that histopathological pancreatic inflammation is present in many animals, which have mild or no signs of disease. So if we use histopathological changes as the gold standard for pancreatitis the test may be very specific (very few false positives) but if we were to use “clinically confirmed” pancreatitis using best available clinical, biochemistry and abdominal ultrasound evidence as our gold standard the specificity will be lower, more positives in the absence of clinical disease. This makes sense as we know some animals walk around with mild inflammation and no clinical signs. These numbers are not written in stone as they vary depending on what they are measured against. SNAP cPL should be performed in any dog with acute signs of gastrointestinal disease which does not have an obvious diagnosis such as intestinal parasites, foreign body, Parvo-virus infection, etc. The SNAP test only gives either a negative or positive result and is slightly more sensitive but less specific than the Spec cPL. If the test is negative then pancreatitis can essentially be ruled out as the sensitivity of the SNAP is 93% which gives a 7% chance of a false negative.4 A positive SNAP cPL indicates a lipase value of ≥ 200ug/L. However, as a positive Snap cPL, is NOT a 100% diagnostic positive diagnosis for pancreatitis, it is still the responsibility of the clinician to perform a full diagnostic workup. Ideally an abdominal ultrasound should be performed to exclude other abdominal conditions which could cause similar clinical signs and also cause lipase release. In addition, measurement of Spec cPL should be done to help confirm diagnosis of pancreatitis. The Spec cPL is a quantitative test with 3 diagnostic ranges: normal reference range (< 200 ug/L), questionable range (between 200-400 ug/L), and diagnostic cut-off for pancreatitis (≥ 400 ug/L) (IDEXX package insert). The magnitude of elevation of serum canine pancreatic lipase concentration does, however, not establish a prognosis for a patient with acute pancreatitis nor is there evidence that changes in serum concentrations correspond to clinical improvement.1 The sensitivity of Spec cPL in various studies ranges from 21% in dogs with histopathologically confirmed mild pancreatitis; 71% in dogs with severe pancreatitis; and up to 87% in some cases.4 It would appear that the greater the pancreatic inflammation the greater the test sensitivity, which would make sense as more lipase is release into the bloodstream and these dogs have more severe clinical signs thus the prevalence in the test population is higher. Thus there is about a 15-25% possibility of having a false negative diagnosis. The Spec cPL sensitivity has also been measured against an increase between > 200- 399 ug/L (90%) and an increase > 400ug/L( 75%) thus it decreases as the cutoff increases - but the specificity will increase with an increased cutoff. The specificity is 74% for the SNAP, 72% for Spec cPL cutoff between 200 -399ug/L and 78% with a cutoff > 400ug/L.4 Spec cPL cannot differentiate between primary and secondary pancreatitis — some dogs with an inflammatory disease process in another organ in the region of the pancreas (liver, gall bladder, mesentery, peritoneum) may have secondary pancreatic inflammation and animals with primary intestinal disease (foreign body, inflammatory bowel disease, lymphoma) may show elevated lipase values.1,2 Two recent studies investigating risk factors for pancreatitis showed that many dogs had co-existing disease and that there appeared to be an association between the presence of Cushing’s disease and the development of pancreatitis. Dogs with Cushing’s disease and no clinically diagnosed pancreatitis had a higher Spec cPL concentrations and more positive SNAP cPL results than clinically healthy dogs with normal ACTH stimulation test results. Spec cPL test concentrations were significantly higher in dogs with Cushing’s disease (491.1 ug/L) than in healthy dogs (75.2 ug/L), with more abnormal Spec cPL results in Cushing’s dogs. There were more positive SNAP results in dogs with Cushing’s disease (55%) than in healthy dogs (6%).3 In another study, SNAP cPL and Spec cPL was evaluated in 3 groups of dogs: healthy dogs (n=20), those with signs of Cushing’s disease but normal ACTH stimulation test results (n=12), and dogs with confirmed Cushing’s disease (n=20). Dogs were excluded from the study if they had any clinical signs suggestive of pancreatitis. Healthy dogs had one SNAP cPL positive test and one Spec cPL in the 200-400g/L range. In the second group, 3/12 dogs had a positive SNAP cPL and 2 dogs had Spec cPL consistent with pancreatitis. In dogs with confirmed Cushing’s disease, 11/20 had a positive SNAP cPL and 5 had a Spec cPL Th e and the spec cPL can give both false positives and negative results.1 LO A F vet360 Issue 02 | APRIL 2016 | 38 April 2016 Vet360 for Madaleen Review.indd 38 2016/03/24