Vermont Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2 Vermont Bar Journal, Fall 2018, Vol. 44, No. 3 | Page 29

PARALEGAL SECTION Chair: Carie Tarte, RP ® , AIC The Paralegal Section submitted an article that was published in the spring 2018 Vermont Bar Journal on “certified” vs. “certificated” paralegals, which outlined the difference between attending an educational program to obtain a certificate of completion in paralegal studies versus taking an examination to obtain a registered or certified paralegal designation. We are working toward co-sponsoring a dinner or luncheon event with the VBA this fall that will encompass both a social aspect and be eligible for CLE credit. PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE SECTION Chair: Gregory A. Weimer, Esq. Over the past year the committee chair acted as liaison between the Practice and Procedure Committee and the Vermont Civ- il Rules Committee concerning proposed amendments to V.R.C.P. 26(b)(4) to address changes in the case law concerning the dis- closure of “Event Expert Witnesses”.  The Chair helped coordinate the publication of a Bar Journal article co-authored by James Dumont and Allan Keyes mapping out the proposed amendments  as well as an open forum seminar at the upcoming annual VBA meeting to foster discussion and under- standing of the proposed changes. PROBATE AND TRUST SECTION Chairs: Bob Pratt and Mark Langan, Esqs. The Probate and Trust Section co-chairs divided and conquered this past year with Bob Pratt handling the legislative matters and Mark Langan handling the section chair- ship otherwise. The section put on a very successful full-day Probate Law Day in June, reviewing the mass changes to probate laws and discussing elder abuse.  As for the leg- islation, 2018 saw the conclusion of the proj- ect that started in 2010 for modernizing de- cedent’s probate law, with Act 195 passed and signed by the Governor, effective July 1, 2018, including for Wills offered for admis- sion or executed on or after that date.  We will be going back for another change, to the small estates procedure, in the next ses- sion.  It included authorization of self-prov- ing Wills, property settlement agreements made during marriage, expedited adminis- tration by waiver of an accounting, and an unsupervised administration if there is only one beneficiary who is also the sole fiducia- ry. The changes in the law will be highlighted again to Vermont’s NAELA chapter in early October.  There was also a change in the law allowing probate judges to approve trusts for minors that go beyond their attainment of the age of majority; this was part of Act 195 but was interjected by other interested parties; see 14 VSA 2659(e). The section re- mains one of the more active discussion sec- tions on VBA Connect. REAL ESTATE SECTION Chairs: Jim Knapp and Benjamin Deppman, Esqs. This was a busy year for the Property Law Section.  Members of the section provided CLE programs at the September meeting and a well-attended and very informative day of CLE programs at Real Estate Law Day in November.    There will be another presentation at the VBA Annual Meeting in September. Co-Chair Jim Knapp also presented the real estate segment at the Basic Skills program in September and March for attorneys pursuing admission to the Bar. The VBA Connect Online community remains very active, with hundreds of distinct discussion threads posted over the last year or so. The regular session of the 2018 Legislature took up bills relating to several topics of interest to Section members: (a) addressing the issues with tax sales (statutes of limitation for challenging tax sales and for claims related to potential fraudulent conveyances); (b) providing for the transfer of the municipality’s interest in municipal leaselands to the holders of the perpetual leases in 2020; (c) the complete revision of the regulation of the statutes related to notary publics; and (d) topics involving blockchain technology.   Members Jim Knapp and Andy Mikell provided extensive testimony on the bills in numerous committee meetings. The Title Standards subcommittee of the Real Estate Section will release new title standards in September along with updates and revisions of the current Standards. WORKERS’ COMP cus of this year’s meeting was discussing the proposed major re-write of Vermont’s Rules governing Vocational Rehabilitation Services in the WC system. Public comment on the proposed rules closed on July 20. Rules go to the Legislature for approval later this sum- mer. On July 20th, the VBA WC Bar celebrated the retirement of Phyllis Phillips, long time Administrative Law Judge, from the Vermont Department of Labor, with a roast and a fun- draiser for Kids Chance of Vermont. Judge Phillips is opening a mediation practice. A luncheon will be held in conjunction with the annual Adjuster’s Conference on October 26 th to meet the new ALJ Stephen Brown. ity on VBA Connect was moderate-- mem- bers are always willing to help each other out with questions and odd scenarios. There was limited assistance with the leaselands legislation and discussion on VBA Connect about its implications. YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION Chair: Charles Romeo, Esq. This has been another busy year for the Young Lawyers Division.  The YLD has con- tinued to host regional mixers through- out the state for division members as well as other members of the bar. Most recent- ly, this included Montpelier and Brattleboro, both organized by our Secretary, James Va- lente.  This past January, we held another successful annual Mid-Winter Thaw in Mon- treal which was packed with exceptional panelists of both the bench and bar and a keynote address by Vermont Public Radio’s Mitch Wertlieb, which was a highlight of the event.  This was also a year of transition for the Thaw. After nearly a decade or more, in 2019, the Thaw will be leaving the Le Centre Sheraton and returning to the recently- renovated Omni-Mont Royal, where the Thaw had been held in years past prior to the Sheraton.   For the second year in a row, members of the YLD served as witnesses for the VBA’s Trial Academy. Lastly, the YLD launched a new program called “Dinner With a Judge” with a pilot event held in Rutland with Chief Justice Paul Reiber and U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Peter Hall. “Din- ner with a Judge” is designed to provide an opportunity for members of the division to have informal, small-group discussions with members of the judiciary on general topics relating to the profession, including those affecting young lawyers. The Rutland event was a success and we look forward to hosting other such events throughout the state in the coming year. Chair: Keith Kasper, Esq. The year-in-review for WC, Torts and In- surance presentation at the 2017 VBA An- nual meeting had very positive feedback. Thanks to Heidi Groff, Jennifer McDonald and Paul Perkins for their presentation. On May 4th, the VBA WC Section held its annual Bench Bar luncheon meeting with the VT Department of Labor personnel. The fo- THE VERMONT BAR JOURNAL • FALL 2018 29