Vermont Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2 Vermont Bar Journal, Fall 2017, Vol. 48, No. 3 | Page 7

TC: All very laudable goals. Dan, what’s your favorite pastime when you’re not working? DM: If I’m not working, I enjoy running. Every year I have a relay team that com- petes in the Vermont City Marathon. The name of our team is - I think, appropriately - “Reasonable Doubt.” TC: Not “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?” DM: (Laughing) Maybe we should change it. Our goal is to break 4 hours. We’ve come close, but we haven’t been able to do it in the last 10 years. I think Michael Kennedy, who’s an accomplished marathoner, can run the marathon faster than our 5 members together. I also like to read, though I’m always struggling to find the time to read for pleasure, but my job requires me to read so much as it is. I main- ly enjoy spending a lot of time with my fam- ily; children and family keep me very busy. TC: Do you have a favorite law-related quote? DM: I do have a favorite quote and I use it as a tag line on my email. It’s a quote by Robert Kennedy, and essentially says “Each time a man stands up to an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny rip- ple of hope.” That quote has always reso- nated with me, but if I could be so bold as to edit it, I would edit it by saying each time a “person” stands up. TC: Well Dan, it sounds like you’ve lived up to that quote very well throughout your career. DM: Well, thank you Teri, I appreciate that. port young lawyers as being one of the fo- cus areas for your presidency. DM: Absolutely. I would encourage any- one who has an interest in the law to pur- sue it. The opportunity to make change as an attorney is great. Lawyers are important people in our society. They’re involved in all aspects of the law, legislation and pol- itics as well, and politics can make huge changes, as we’ve recently seen. I think lawyers are the gatekeepers of the individ- ual liberties and constitutional protections that we enjoy. We need more lawyers, ac- tually. In Vermont you don’t have to go to law school, you can study for the bar, which is a great opportunity. I’ve actually encour- aged my own children, and I’m not sure if they’ll do it or not, but I would love to see my children become attorneys. We will see. bar and we’re very successful as a volun- tary organization. Many states have man- datory bars, but ours is voluntary and I’m very proud of the high percentage of Ver- mont lawyers who belong to the VBA. We also need to continue to work closely with the courts and the Legislature, insuring that there is equitable treatment in legal servic- es in the court system. So three main areas: encouraging young lawyers; maintaining the VBA’s viability; and working closely with the courts and the Legislature to ensure access to justice for everybody. In addition, and more specifi- cally, I think it is important that we consider the practice of law in connection with the implicit bias we know exists in society. It is our responsibility to ensure equitable prac- tices of law and this is an area of interest for me as I continue to consider how I might positively impact our profession. TC: One silver lining to the law school demographics situation is that law schools seem to be making a concerted effort to make legal studies more manageable, more cost effective and more practice-ori- ented. DM: Absolutely, and I see the VBA con- tinuing to work closely with the Vermont Law School. I love the relationship that we have. I think it’s beneficial to both the VBA and VLS. Things like the Trial Academy that the VBA put on at VLS in July was fantastic. TC: We’d love to continue that dynamic. One last question, what would you like to be remembered for when you finish your year as the 138th president of the Vermont Bar Association? DM: Well, I’m going to go back to the things that we talked about before - cul- tivating young lawyers and giving them plenty of opportunity to succeed, making sure that the Vermont Bar stays solid de- spite the graying of our bar, and also con- tinuing to work very closely with our Ver- mont court system in these very challeng- ing financial times, to ensure that the ad- ministration of justice is working properly. TC: Well, Dan, I commend you. You’ve obviously worked very hard, and I’m sure that your Irish immigrant grandparents and all of your family are very proud of every- thing that you’ve accomplished, and are very proud that you’re about to be sworn in as President of the Vermont Bar Associa- tion. I think that amounts to a remarkable legacy for your children, whether they de- cide to pursue law as a career, or not. DM: Well, thank you Teri, that’s very kind of you. I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to serving. TC: Dan, do you have any advice to a young person thinking about law as a pro- fession? You mentioned wanting to sup- THE VERMONT BAR JOURNAL • FALL 2017 7