Vermont Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2 Summer 2015, Vol 41, No. 2 | Page 33

What Lies Beneath Fascinating clerks give rise to even more divergent recording methods. As we have seen, each office seemed to have file locations as unique as the clerks themselves. While the above illustrative and amusing tales illustrate the variety and spice of life, these spices make for recipes of disaster when good legal practice depends upon making valid title searches. While most are familiar with the term “day book,” almost every attorney who has performed a title search in Vermont knows that “day” is apparently a relative term. Some “day” books encompass days, months, or even years. Members recall “recently” recorded and unrecorded “to be recorded” documents being kept in no particular priority in pigeonholes in a roll top desk, in a shopping cart, in six to eight milk cr