Vermont Bar Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2 Spring 2015, Vol. 41, No. 1 | Page 11

A rebuttable presumption is an additional burden to a party seeking relief from the courts, requiring a greater degree of proof to overcome the presumed fact. In a child support case, Justice John Dooley explained that the presumption serves the purpose of allowing more summary support actions even in the absence of a parentage adjudication, which effectively eases child support decisions. Because the statute creates only a presumption, however, it does not prevent proof of the fact in issue through other means. Thus, if the presumption did not apply, the only effect in this case would be that Janet would have the burden of production to prove parenthood, a burden she assumed in presenting her case to the family court. Where the presumption cannot apply, it does not mean the individual is not a parent; it simply means we must look to see whether parentage exists without the use of the presumption—the same way we would have determined parentage before the adoption of [the statute].40 Rebuttable presumptions make enforcement easier. A reading of over the minimum legal alcohol level taken within two hours of the operation of a vehicle creates a rebuttable presumption that the concentration was over that amount at the time of the operation. The Court has noted how this aids in summary resolution of DUIs in civil suspension hearings.41 The rebuttables are found in nearly every area of law. The presumption of paternity operates to determine parental responsibility in some cases. Justice John Dooley, dissenting in Godin v. Godin (1998), argued that by “adopting a rebuttable presumption, the Legislature has refused to make a man a father based on a legal fiction, rather than on his action.”42 Finding liquor in a house controlled by the respondent creates a rebuttable presumption that he possessed the goods.43 A violation of a safety statute or rule creates a prima facie case of negligence, giving rise to a rebuttable presumption of negligence.44 Parking on the paved part of a highway that causes interference with traffic, a violation of statute, creates a rebuttable presumption of negligence, which shifts the burden of evidence.45 A child born in wedlock is presumed to be legitimate.46 Mailing a letter raises a rebuttable presumption of receipt.47 Joint tenants are presumed to have equal interests.48 Rebuttable presumptions can be created by rule. UVM’s rules on residency for in-state tuition created a rebuttable presumption. Regulation 4 states, “[a]n applicant becoming a student within one year of first moving to the state shall have created a rebuttable presumption that residency in Vermont is for the purpose of attending UVM and/or acquiring in-state status for tuition purposes.” Regulation 7 provides that “[r]eceipt of financial support by a student from his/her family shall create a rebuttable presumption that the student’s domicile is with his/her family, regardless of whether the student has reached the age of 18.”49 Rule 19 of the Act 250 rules treats state permits as rebuttable presumptions that the project meets the relevant criteria of the law.50 In a 2013 decision, in a footnote, the Supreme Court encouraged the Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure to establish a rebuttable presumption “on which parties could rely in proving the date of receipt” of a court order.51 The statutes on highways create a rebuttable presumption that the width of a highway is three rods.52 In 2010, the Supreme Court explained, Ruminations: Fictions of Law es of probable reasoning, the proof is said to be presumptive, and the inference to which it gives rise [creates] a presumption; which, therefore, taken in its largest and most comprehensive sense, may be defined to be, where, in the absence of or until actual certainty of the truth or falsehood of any proposition or fact can be obtained, an inference affirmative or disaffirmative of that truth or falsehood is drawn by a process of probable reasoning.39 rebuttable presumptions operate only to assign the burden of production. See V.R.E. 301(a). Once the party against whom the presumption operates bursts the bubble by presenting evidence that the fact is not as presumed, the function of the presumption is over, and the fact-finder must determine the fact based on the evidence and not the presumption. The presumption is rebutted by any evidence that the fact is not as presumed.53 Ah, the bubble. How few seem to burst in property assessment appeals.54 According to the practice of the Public Service Board, every utility’s filing in ratemaking enjoys the benefit of a rebuttable presumption that expenditures claimed to support the rates were reasonable and prudent ... Unless a party brings forth evidence challenging the reasonableness of a particular cost item, these working presumptions operate to allow the inclusion of those costs in rates, without requiring the Board to resolve the issue through an affirmative judgment on the merits.55 THE VERMONT BAR JOURNAL • SPRING 2015 11