Veiled: Perspectives 1 | Page 150

“ Islam is a way of life and the Qur ’ an is a guideline for life .”
Women are not forced into veiling . Both of Marva and Madina ’ s other sisters don ’ t cover and their mother only started covering recently . There are over 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and not every single one of them cover . It ’ s irrational to label such a large population to one idea or a small group of people that the media portrays as the definition of Muslims .

“ Islam is a way of life and the Qur ’ an is a guideline for life .”

People lacking exposure on the topic assume that men in Islam are put at a superiority to women and it ’ s these religious beliefs that create male-dominated and oppressive societies . That couldn ’ t be any further from the truth . Islam values women as much as it values heaven . Men who follow Islam ’ s values are peaceful and have utter respect for all women . The religion itself is built for believers , no one person is given permission to force Islam onto another . There are always exception to every rule . Of course there are cases where women live within the walls of oppression and are sometimes forced into covering , but those cases do not embody the values and rules set forth by Islam . As in every society and religion , there are always exceptions that are enacted by certain people , but those are personal issues and mindsets that are not promoted in Islam . People have their own personal agendas and corrupt views that shouldn ’ t be held accountable to anyone or anything else other than the person ( s ) committing that act . If you are a violent person at the core , then your practices will be rooted in that violent nature .
If we believe that actions speak louder than words and look at the actions of radical groups such as ISIS that are said to display Islam , then we would recognize through photos of ISIS members ’ prayers that those people are praying in the wrong direction , a task considered so simple by many Muslims . So if these people who are seen as ones who embody Islam , then why is their prayer done wrong ? There is so much proof that these groups are not following true Islam but media overlooks those facts and frames stories through their own lens .