Vapouround magazine VM16 | Page 19

I STARTED AS A WAY TO ALLEVIATE THE STRESS OF WORK. I TRIED TO QUIT A FEW TIMES AND MANAGED TO GO SMOKE-FREE FOR THREE MONTHS. BUT I WAS EVIL WITHOUT NICOTINE! THEN MY PARTNER GAVE UP TOBACCO AND STARTED VAPING. I DECIDED TO GIVE IT A TRY AND HAVEN’T LOOKED BACK SINCE. A video shared by Public Health England revealed that 58% of smokers attempted to quit cold-turkey, which is the least successful method. Instead, PHE recommends using e-cigarettes or traditional nicotine- replacement therapy such as patches and gum. The combination of smoking cessation aids and support from vape shops and stop- smoking services makes a successful quit attempt four times more likely. As well as educating smokers on the resources available to them, some organisations used the opportunity to raise awareness of the wider harms associated with cigarette use. London Fire Brigade urged people to stop smoking and switch to vaping as figures revealed that 5,978 fires in London in the last five years were linked to smoking. E-cigarette-related fires are incredibly rare and easily avoidable. Dan Daly, assistant commissioner for fire safety at London Fire Brigade, said, “So many of these deaths and injuries could have been prevented either by stopping smoking or by switching to vaping. We would rather people didn’t smoke at all but if they do, vaping is a safer option. There is a common misconception that vapes are a fire risk, but the reality is they have caused a very small number of fires – normally because the device is broken or it’s being charged by a faulty charger. Smoking on the other hand is a killer.” A lot has changed since the inaugural No Smoking Day 34 years ago, but cigarettes continue to account for around 96,000 deaths each year. Thanks to the likes of No Smoking Day, Stoptober and the thriving vaping industry, the scourge of smoking may soon be consigned to the past. VM16 | 19