Vapouround magazine Special Issue 02 | Page 68

F E AT U R E W O R DS & P HOTOS BY TON Y OTTOMAN EL L I II O n May 4 2016 the FDA announced regulations on the vaping industry, their own approach at imposing crony capitalist practices which are so strict they’re essentially installing prohibition. Regarding these FDA Regulations, which apparently, according to a recent poll, just over half of all Vapers even know about, I must officially tell all my fellow advocates “We can overcome! We can do this!” However, as the late-great Basketball Coach John Wooden once said: “Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail.” We have to look into history in order to decide our futures. Specifically, look at the history behind past groups who fell victim to hegemonic oppression and crony capitalism. Groups of individuals who were being targeted by discrimination or perhaps not given enough respect by the government all have very similar struggles as well as a common theme of redemption. Such oppressed groups had the constitutional right to stand up, speak out and say "No!" More importantly, they were all on the same page, chanting the same message in unison, and each person was there for the other. They stood up to speak out together. Throughout our rollercoaster of American history, we see such a scenario happening time after time. The f act of 66 VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE USA the matter is that this is America where we are typically granted “Rights” and the oppressor would always be forced to compromise on account of those Constitutional Rights. For example, the Civil Rights Movement and the Million-Man March, the Feminist Revolution, the Gay Rights Movement, etc. These movements were all groups that became polarized by the government and had restrictions targeting them specifically or had no respect paid to them by lack of action on the government’s part. This all caused a rise in stereotypes among the general public, creating even further burdens on such groups. Taking all of these particular marginalized groups into consideration, by no means am I attaching precise equivalency in comparison to their struggles to our vaping movement misfortunes. Still, our cause remains largely significant in the sense that, vaping itself, could be the primary catalyst behind the singlemost effective public health intervention that we ever experienced throughout human history. Not to mention, due to the current FDA Regulations being instituted, our group (the vaping community) has been targeted for an enforcement of harsh restriction, so it is certainly obvious that our group of vapers have been polarized to the point of possessing similarities to all those other historic groups oppressed by the powers that be. One thing all of these marginalized, oppressed and victimized groups have and had in common is their unyielding unity. As of current, don't allow the overly saturated market of “overnight-advocacymovements” and “daily petitions” to fool you, especially “donation-scams.” Sure, I've taken part in each one of these specific forms of action because at least it is and was proactive. Yet, there is surely only one thing that would have the best chance at fixing this clear case of oversight by the FDA; engaging in a three-ring-circus that is among political bureaucrats, industrial capitalists and uncontrollable institutions consisting of cronyism, greed, and corruption - all easily traced back to being the main ingredients of an imminent “centralized profit motive.” Meaning, all of this misconduct by government officials and immoral assertions from big business moguls certainly have an agenda, a concise strategic approach. We, as the vaping community and industry must also have a precise grand design of disciplined precision created solely to counteract the wicked ways of our tarnished social system and the inexplicable indications of this faltering capitalist economic climate -