Vapouround magazine Special Issue 02 | Page 131

REVIEWS KIMSUN TC40W MINI KIT by Steve Tarpey The start of 2016 saw the break out of mini mods on to the market, with the council of Vapor mini volt taking the market by storm. I myself own the COV Mini Volt, whilst a great mod we knew it wouldn’t be long before many more entered the market, here’s a peak at the Kimsun TC40W mini kit. little cloud of vapour was produced. Seriously impressive for such a small piece of kit. The Mod itself is pretty easy to operate, the ‘fire’ button is the on off switch. Usual procedure, press five times to get it on, press five times to switch it off. Press the button three times to toggle between power or temperature control mode. On first inspection: The kimsun mod is actually quite aesthetically pleasing and the first thing that stands out is just how light this device is. Looks wise I particularly liked the mirrored finish on the LED display and the raised bumps along the plastic case allowing for a better grip even if the MOD had some slippery E juice on it. The + &- buttons and ‘fire’ button are all neatly recessed into the mod, and I have never seen a Mod react to a change in the power setting as quickly as this one. Usage: I have had this piece of kit for about three weeks and have been Vaping on a power rating of 34.0W. The tank has a nozzle so you can adjust it between lung Vaping and mouth Vaping, I just opened it right up and decided lung Vaping was the only way forward. I didn’t expect much but what a great little vape this is, I Used this with 0mg Strawcherry Blow and what a great tasting and magnificent The tank which is supplied with the mod is quite small at 1.1ml although I found that enough to last me about an hour as I’m Vaping around the Vapouround office. The tank itself was very well built and I had no issues with the tank leaking during normal operation. One slight issue with the device is that the filling holes at the side of the tank are quite small and can sometimes lead to a little bit of leakage when trying to refill the tank. One of the other things that I found quite disappointing was the battery life of the mod, it would probably last me for about three hours of continuous use, however when you take into account this is the quickest charging device I have ever used, this can be forgiven, I think it took me 24 minutes to go from 10% power to 100%, so all in all the quick discharge is not really an issue. Whose it suitable for? TC40W MINI KIT is more suitable for office workers. People who vape less often outside or who use it indoor will find TC40W MINI KIT is a good choice. This device is definitely a universal device and would serve a newbie vapour very well and the pleasant cloud production on the higher wattage would also satisfy someone looking to lung vape, although you would be refilling quite often. Mainly the size of this mod would make it quite easy for someone to take on a night out without worrying about precious pocket and hand bag real estate being taken up. Conclusion: A great piece of kit that will definitely leave the user feeling like they have value for money. This is a small mod which has very big ideas and it does well to deliver on this in many ways. VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE USA 129