Vapouround magazine Issue 14 | Page 67

1. E-Cigarettes, harm and harm reduction The study opens by clearly defi ning its terms, laying out how health outcomes are collected, and what the main health concerns typically cited over vaping are. For this study, changes in “…blood pressure, heart rate, body weight, lung function, respiratory symptoms, exhaled breath nitric oxide [eNO], exhaled carbon monoxide [eCO], and high-resolution computed tomography [HRCT] of the lungs) from a prospective 3.5-year observational study of a cohort of nine daily EC users (mean age 29.7 (±6.1) years) who have never smoked and a reference group of twelve never smokers.” 3. How exactly were the subjects tested? “Participants came in the mornings for their check-up visits during which vital signs (blood pressure - BP, heart rate - HR, body weight) as well as measurements of lung function, respiratory symptoms, and airway infl ammation (eNO and eCO levels) were recorded.” In order to keep results on neutral ground and untainted by external factors, participants were discouraged from vaping or consuming caffeine up to an hour before their measurements were recorded. Check-ups were taken with a diverse range of medical devices and (upon being identifi ed at baseline levels) any new, noteworthy changes in respiratory symptoms were obtained by asking the following questions: “Have you had any cough in the previous 2-weeks?” “Have you heard any wheeze when breathing?” “Have you been short of breath in the previous 2-weeks?” “Have you had diffi culty in breathing like a sensation of pressure on your chest?” 2. Who were the subjects and how were they chosen? “Subjects were recruited from June 2013 to September 2013 and data collection completed in March 2017. “Adult EC users (≥18 years old) were identifi ed amongst a pool of regular Vape Shops customers. Vape shop owners who helped in a previous study were instructed to ask their regular clients a few questions about smoking history and EC use patterns. Customers who had never smoked or who reported having smoked less than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime were defi ned as never smokers.” 4. What exactly did the study fi nd? The initial fi ndings give us in the industry good reason to be cautiously optimistic, but mindful of this project as a mere beginning, and open to future fi ndings in this fi eld. “…no pathological fi ndings could be identifi ed on HRCT of the lungs and no respiratory symptoms were consistently reported in the EC user group. Although it cannot be excluded that some harm may occur at later stages, this study did not demonstrate any health concerns associated with long-term use of EC in relatively young users who did not also smoke tobacco. “This small study, the fi rst of its kind to date, found no detectable changes in lung health in never smokers who have been regularly vaping for at least 4 years. Daily exposure to ECs aerosol emissions caused no signifi cant changes in any of the health outcomes investigated, including measures of lung function and lung infl ammation.” 5. Where do we go from here? As the very fi rst study of its kind – factoring in the vaper who has never smoked, a neglected and often invisible category in vaping – this will hopefully prove a trailblazer, inviting further inquiry and opening more minds. The best we can hope for now is the encouragement of more research. Looking ahead, there may now be a solid foundation to defend the relative safety of e-cigarette use as a smoking cessation tool over a mid to long term period, and even new discussions on marketing to non-smokers. VM14 | 65