Vapouround magazine ISSUE 13 | Page 97

In August, London hosted the 53rd annua Nott ng H Carn va , a cu tura marve and one the wor d’s ead ng fest va s. W th the recent tragedy of the Grenfe Tower fire fresh n everyone’s m nds, the event observed a one-m nute s ence for the v ct ms and saw an abundance of fundra sers hosted by exh b tors and performers present. Vape compan es and the peop e who support them showed so dar ty, contr but ng generous y to the fundra sers and prov d ng the r own donat on dr ves. Among these was the London-based company Vapourcore. Vapourcore opened the r Ho and Park store for the weekend and Bank Ho day Monday, sett ng up mach nes fi ed w th free e- qu d flavoured s ush es. The s ush e flavours were prov ded by Cuts Ice v a the r Rude O range: orange and mandar n Co Grease, and forest fru t and raspberry Kerosene Kandy. Th s prov ded vapers w th a chance to dr nk some favour te flavours, and non-vapers a chance to g ve t a go. Attendees opened the r wa ets and donated wh e enjoy ng the r s ush es and tak ng n the wonders of the fest va . Director Leon spoke with us about the initiative, and what motivated him. As re at ve new comers to the North Kens ngton & Ho and park commun ty, we rea y wanted to et peop e know that we are a oca bus ness that actua y cares. Be ng ocated a m e away from the Grenfe s ght and hav ng customers who were actua res dents of Grenfe Tower, we knew that we had to he p. Lead ng up to the event, Leon noted that one of Europe’s ead ng fest va s wou d prov de “the perfect opportun ty to engage w th vapers, both oca and v s t ng. We want the money go ng through the most d rect channe poss b e, gett ng stra ght to the peop e who need t most w th noth ng gett ng n the way.” The future w see Vapourcore ho d ng more char ty events wh ch w cont nue to support those affected by the Grenfe tragedy. And we’re p eased to say the event was a success. Store manager Pau Dunphy was g ad to see the Nott ng H Carn va ve up to ts reputat on, and the weekend brought many char tab e peop e. Vapourcore’s v s tors gave a tota of £250 n donat ons. “A day, every day we just had a great atmosphere and h gh sp r ts n the store,” Pau says. “It’s a rea y busy, chaot c fest va , and not w thout ts nc dents, but everyone here was fr end y, k nd, and we’re gratefu to a the vapers who came out to make t what t was. It’s a so good to meet w th peop e you wou dn’t norma y have n the store.” Vape events are often commun ty-or ented, and th s was no except on. “We saw t as an opportun ty to g ve back to our oca commun ty. A few of our regu ar customers were res dents n the Tower tse f. They’re good peop e and they deserve our he p. We not on y spent t me w th them, but the oca vo unteers who cont nue to work around the c ock.” VM13 | 97