Vapouround magazine Issue 05 | Page 12

NEWS VV VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE’S STEVE TARPEY FAILS TO SEE THE LOGIC OF THE TPD It is difficult to imagine just how more badly wrong our politicians could have got the TPD. This piece of legislation throws logic out of the window and seems to have the opposite effect of what it should be doing. Throughout the UK and Europe you will hear politicians say that smoking kills and that everything should be done to encourage people to stop smoking so that lives are saved. This is why there are so many places where once you could smoke and now it is illegal to do so. All very well and good you may say and it is but to draft a piece of legislation which makes no distinction between a traditional cigarette and an e-cigarette is beyond crazy. Perhaps it is because they both have ‘cigarette’ their names that it was thought they are also both tobacco products and because tobacco products are evil therefore e-cigarettes must also be evil. On a kinder view towards our politicians we might say that perhaps less was known about e-cigarettes and vaping when the Tobacco Products Directive was first drafted than is known now. Maybe that is true but that is no excuse for failing to amend a piece of legislation which is so blatantly wrong in many respects…not least of all in the potential to save lives. There is so much evidence now that e-cigarettes have a huge potential to stop smokers smoking that one might argue it would be far better to make their use compulsory for smokers rather than enacting legislation which makes their manufacture and sale overly burdensome, expensive and incredibly complex. Last year Public Health England produced a report which concluded that vaping was at least 95 per cent safer than smoking. Here is what it actually said: “Best estimates show e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful to your health than normal cigarettes, and when supported by a smoking cessation service, help most smokers to quit tobacco altogether.” So would you not think that when smoking accounts for 100,000 deaths in the UK alone each year and e-cigarettes are so much less harmful than cigarettes that politicians would want to do all in their power to encourage the switch to vaping? Maybe they thought Public Health England was wrong and they were waiting for some more research to back up its report. Well there is always the Royal College of Physicians who have also looked in depth at vaping and its potential to save lives. Here are some of the things the Royal College of Physicians had to say: "Promoting e-cigarettes... as widely as possible, as a substitute for smoking, is likely to generate significant health gains in the UK” and “Forcing e-cigarette packaging to carry big health warnings is ‘illogical’,” and even “The emergence of e-cigarettes has generated a massive opportunity for a revolution in the way that nicotine is used in society. As the technology of these and other non-tobacco nicotine products improves, so the vision of a society that is free from tobacco smoking, and the harm that smoking causes, becomes more realistic.” Add to that all the stories from around the world from people saying that it was only vaping that actually led to them giving up smoking and that is surely a powerful message that vaping should encouraged. So what does the TPD do? Well it bans virtually all advertising of e-cigarettes and e-liquids so that those people who might very well quit smoking if they knew about vaping don’t get to hear about it in the first place. It is a piece of legislation which says: “There is a great way to save lives and get the world’s population off cigarettes so let’s do all in our power to keep it a secret.” I’ve got a better idea. Let’s not keep it a secret. Let’s be vocal about it. Let’s ensure that our politicians know how we feel and let’s encourage them to be vocal about it on our behalf. As this magazine goes to press there is a move by the House of Lords to throw out the TPD in the UK. Let’s hope this actually happens so that we can have some proper debate in this country about how vaping should be regulated in this country. Why spend so much time and effort implementing a TPD which is flawed and nonsensical when we could be actually doing our bit to save lives instead? We need responsible regulation for the e-cigarette industry and the sooner our politician recognise that fact the better. P O U R O U A 12 ISSUE 05 VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE G A Z I N E