Vapouround magazine Issue 03 | Page 161

FYI Picture 2 – beginning to wind coil “SOMETHING I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND DOING BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO BUILD COILS IS TO LEARN ABOUT OHM’S LAW. IT’S ESSENTIAL INFORMATION – YOU CAN READ Picture 3 – Finished winding, legs pointing down ‘A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO OHM’S LAW’ IN VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE ISSUE 2.’” recommend finding out the lowest ohm your mod will handle! • 6 wraps will get you a 0.6 to 0.8 ohm coil, so if you are making a dual coil build for a dripper you will end up with a 0.3 to 0.4 ohm build. • Once you have your desired amount of wraps around the screwdriver both legs should be facing downward. You are aiming to have as few gaps as possible but if there are a few slight gaps, this is fine – this will be fixed later. (Picture 3 – Finished winding, legs pointing down) • Next you should fit the coil into your atomizer. Ideally you want to position the coil evenly in the middle between the 2 posts. You can bend the legs to help with positioning (see photo 4 – coil with legs bent). Post one leg through each post hole in the deck, and screw the post screws down – just until it starts feeling tight, and then maybe half a turn more. Not too tight or you will end up clipping the wire. Picture 4 – coil with legs bent VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 161