FEATURE and limited clinical trials. Unlike with other supplements, neither the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have created a Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for CBD, which means CBD does not have an official serving size. As such, consumers are estimating their CBD dosages based upon the recommendations of manufacturers, the companies that they buy their CBD from. Or even worse… Facebook groups or CBD online forum users who are uncertified and claim to be ‘experts’ simply because they use CBD. CBD CBD CBD How to Choose Your CBD Dosage 1. Understanding the label First, make sure you understand what is in the product. When purchasing a CBD product, these will often come labelled as five percent, ten percent, or 5000mg and so on, but what do these values mean? Check whether the percentage or quantity of CBD stated on the bottle refers to the quantity of actual CBD in the product and not the quantity of CBD hemp concentrate or oil used to make the product. It can be confusing as some customers will be misled into believing their ten percent CBD oil contains ten percent actual CBD but in some cases, this can refer to the content of hemp oil concentrate added during formulation. As these CBD pastes and concentrates contain variable concentrations of CBD depending on the level of refinement, your ten percent tincture could contain as little as 100-150mg of actual CBD, which in reality is 1.0-1.5 percent CBD. I have noticed some manufacturers doing this, it can be misleading, purposefully or not. One example of a well-put label is the full spectrum CBD tincture from Pura Vida. On the front label, they state both the quantity of hemp paste concentrate added and the actual CBD content of the product. Percentage vs milligrams As there is no actual standardised method of labelling CBD products, you will often see products labelled as a percentage or with a quantity stated in milligrams. The mass stated refers to the quantity of CBD in the entire product, and not per millilitre. For example, a 1000mg CBD e-liquid that is 10ml in volume would contain 100mg CBD per millilitre, and 33.33mg per millilitre if in a 30ml bottle. If the CBD content is stated as a percentage however, a five percent 10ml bottle will contain 500mg of CBD or CBD concentrate, or 50mg per millilitre. A five percent 50ml bottle will contain 2500mg CBD, and still, 50mg CBD per millilitre, the overall CBD content is different depending on container volume. VAPOUROUND CBD MAGAZINE 47