Valente Academy LawArt 2018_03_04_Labyrinths and Coils | Page 2

( to avoid that his wings would melt ), nor too close to the sea , ( to avoid that his feathers could be weighed down by the water ), but does not however succeed in securing either his son ’ s obedience , balance or safety . Notwithstanding his father ’ s multiple warnings , Icarus , overly confident in his own ability and prowess , paid for such hubris with his own life . One might rightly conclude that Icarus would probably have been much more cautious , had his father talked less and done more . In other words , by setting an example of prudence – which is hardly what one may expect from a father who is a genius – Icarus might have been able to survive . But we know how most geniuses are : exceedingly curious , ever enthusiastic , relentless in pursuing their ideas and researches , natural explorers driven by a compelling urge to always discover or create something new – which makes of them authentic pioneers under all respects – while being simultaneously convinced of their being invincible , and forever certain that they shall be able to overcome any and all obstacles . Daedalus was an exceptionally gifted artist , inventor , sculptor , craftsman who , as all hyper-creative minds was as complicated as the Labyrinth he had conceived .
This unique figure of such Master Craftsman – whether real , mythical or merely psychological – is deserving of our attention .
The myth of Daedalus and Icarus has manifold connotations and one might actually get lost in an attempt to run through the labyrinthine paths that life may offer , but life may be either a contorted maze of confusion , or a generous well lavishing uncountable opportunities , and the same may be stated for professions ; the legal profession , in particular , is the one most likely to be assimilated to a veritable labyrinth in which – sometimes – finding an exit ( i . e ., viable solution for all parties ) is far from simple , given its inherent intricacy , disparity of legal and juridical systems , creation of loopholes and the difficulty of applying the Law on an equitable basis in cases where sometimes the fundamental elements are missing .
But it is challenge that sharpens the wits and animates the same futuristic spirit that will forge a new breed of young and motivated professionals , ready to face whatever challenges , and innovative paths the profession of legal or tax consultancy may demand .
“ Laocoön and His Sons ”
The sculpture is a vivid representation of Laocoön and His Sons being simultaneously entangled and attacked by big and venomous water serpents sent by Apollo and Athena to punish him for having warned the Trojans against the Greeks ’ Trojan Horse . This remarkable sculpture , highly extolled by most art connoisseurs as the masterpiece par excellence was , and still is , considered today a living Icon of human anguish , pain and suffering as it offers to the eye and the mind a scenario that is as realistic as it is bloodcurdling , in view of the subject it involves . If we were to draw a contemporary parallel , the feeling of mental anguish and helplessness is often justified when any innocent party might have to grapple with situations that are beyond his control and must therefore revert to the Law . In this case , a helping hand generally comes from a first-rate Legal Consultant to deliver such party from the intricate and almost inextricable coils of the Law and its myriads of rules , principles and procedures , especially within an international , globalized and barely dialoguing context .
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