V-Day Annual Report 2017 - RISE FOR WOMEN WORKERS 1 | Page 49

GRASSROOTS-LED RISINGS Grassroots women all over the world led the Risings with their demands for jobs, wages, food, land, healthcare, peace, justice, equality, dignity, respect, safety, violence free communities – and a RIGHT TO LIFE. They highlighted the fight to end violence against women to include rising against PATRIARCHY, MISOGNYNY, CAPITALISM, NEO-LIBERALISM, RACISM, DISCRIMINATION, XENOPHOBIA, NEO-FASCISM, IMPERIALISM – and all forms of violence based on exploitation rooted in class, race, and gender. The collusion of these systems is what has created dominating, oppressive, and exploitative situations everywhere on the planet, affecting women in particular. Grassroots women are rising against joblessness, homelessness, contractualization, lowering of minimum wage, privatization, displacement from wars and militarization, police brutality and state violence, human and sex trafficking – all outcomes of a global system that has plunged most of the world into economic crisis and worsened the situation of women.