V-Day Annual Report 2017 - RISE FOR WOMEN WORKERS 1 | Page 46

WOMEN WORKERS RISING AGAINST NEO-LIBERAL ATTACKS ON WORKERS. RISING FOR PEOPLE, NOT PROFIT! “Exploitation” theme also revealed the multi-layered violence against women workers – the particular sexual and physical violence women experience because of poverty and pushed by desperation and need, alongside economic violence. NURSES in the US and UK rising for better pay and dignity of labor RESTAURANT WORKERS in the US rising for minimum wage MIGRANT DOMESTIC WORKERS in Hong Kong, London, Swaziland, Australia and Indonesia rising against modern day slavery and abusive labor practices GARMENT WORKERS in Bangladesh rising for safety in the workplace FARMERS in the Philippines rising against landlessness VENDORS, WOMEN TAXI DRIVERS and DOMESTIC WORKERS in India rose against harassment on the streets and in the workplace WORKERS all over the world rising for liveable wage, safety, dignity, and equal pay “It happened as part of International Women’s Day, during which women around the world rallied, went on strike, and otherwise took action for equal rights. With its focus on labor rights, Women Workers Rising spoke directly to one of Wednesday’s larger goals: building a “feminism for the 99 percent.”” – COMMON DREAMS