UWeconomics | Page 4

1. Watch Netflix

It can be tempting to binge watch new shows that you start watching. Avoid wasting time on Netflix. If you do feel tempted to watch television, set an alarm on your phone for when to turn it off!

2. Party

After spending hours partying, it most likely leads to an unproductive following day. If you really feel the need to take a break from studying, go for an hour and avoid drinking so that you can come back and study again.

3. Eat lots of junk food

We all love junk food and let’s face it, there’s not much time to cook during exam time. Take some time out every weekend to prepare healthy meals that will last you the rest of the week. Split up some vegetables in sandwich bags to easily grab-and-go on your way to the library. Also, studies show a healthy mind works faster!

4. Pull all-nighters

It’s not rocket science that sleep deprivation is very bad for you but you may feel the need to stay up during the night to study and sleep during the day. This will ruin sleep patterns, lower melatonin levels, cause brain fog, and increase stress levels. Once you ruin those sleeping patterns, there are higher chances of feeling excessively tired during your exam or even sleeping into your final exam.

5. Cram

Try studying for a class way before the exam rather than cramming, and you will see differences in the results! Some people start to “feel the pressure” a day before the exam which causes them to cram. Try to organize your calendar so that you get at least seven days of studying for one exam so that you don't “feel the pressure” even when you miss that one day out of the seven.

What NOT to do when Studying for Finals