UVU PRCREW 1 | Page 3

Letter from the President


I hope everyone has enjoyed the first few weeks of school! I can’t believe how fast this month has already gone by. Just think, if we can make it this far we can make it through the rest of the semester!

I wanted to welcome everyone to PRSSA! Whether you are a paid member, potential member, or just want to hang out with us. This upcoming PRSSA year is going to be phenomenal. The PRSSA Executive Board has planned out a year where everyone can find something they enjoy, whether it be in the sports industry or firm life there is something we have ready for you.

We hope that you can be involved as much as possible this year and if you have any questions or concerns about PRSSA please reach out to one of the Executive Board members, we are here to help you.

The UVU chapter of PRSSA is considered one of the best chapters in the nation. Last year at the 2016 PRSSA National Conference we were awarded the Teahan Award for Outstanding Chapter in the Nation. As President this year, I want to build off of our previous success as a chapter and continue on that uphill slope of success. This can be accomplished with the help of our fantastic Executive Board and our distinguished members.

Let’s make this year the best year ever for PRSSA!


Wade Draper