UVU PR CREW Issue 4 | Page 7

What is one of the highest demanded skills in the PR world today? The answer may seem effortless and simple, but in today’s metamorphic world, some things remain constant.

Recent interviews of PR professionals from in-house and agency communicators conducted by PR News, an online source for the communication and marketing community, concluded that good clean writing skills are still ranked at the top as the keys to success in the PR world.

“It seems obvious, but it’s

surprising how many young

professionals do not write

well,” Lisa Ramsey said.

Ramsey is the director of

leadership and employee

communications, U.S.

commercial, at Abbvie, a

pharmaceutical research and

development company.

Clear and concise writing takes practice, and a lot of it, if one wants to succeed in such an industry. Ramsey stressed the importance of practice and experience. The value of internships is priceless in her eyes, as well as other top PR professionals in the hiring departments of their respective organizations.

“People are graduating from university today with more exposure to real-world communications than ever,” Beck Boles, SVP of APCO Worldwide, a global communication consultancy, refers to internship experience and student-run agencies. Gaining experience and practice now can prepare you for your future as a PR pro.

So what can you do to join in on what is happening in the PR world right now? Practice. Get involved. Give your writing skills a boost. Write, edit, scratch it out, try again and succeed. You can do it!

Kate Simpson

PR Student

PR News

What the PR World Wants Now