Utopia Holistic Health and Holidays Utopia Holistic Health & Holidays Issue 8 August 2 | Page 8

HOW TO REDUCE THE RISK OF GETTING THE FLU THIS SEASON. Words by Dr Elen ApThomas Holistic Doctor MBBS (Adel) and DRANZOG The weather is cooling down and the risks increase for getting a cold or more seriously the flu. This not only makes us feel terrible and can have serious health outcomes especially in the very young and the very old but also causes loss of income when we need to take time of work or to look after sick relatives. In these circumstances the old saying of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is very accurate. There are lots of proactive steps we can take to strengthen our innate immune system so that if we are exposed to an infection we can mount a more effective response and help reduce its severity. Once of the best simple things you can do is take daily Vitamin C. An adult dose is 500 to 1,000 mg daily. I have found with my patients that the trick is to take the Vit C before you are exposed to the infection. Especially for example taking it before you go on a plane flight to reduce the risk of catching any virus present from any passenger due to the lovely recycled air. If you already have a cold or flu starting to take Vitamin C then doesn’t seem to reduce the duration or severity of the infection.