USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 8

Inter view 07 LyceeAbaneRamdane in El Harrach. Three years later, I graduated with a Baccalaureatedegree in mathematics and joined the with a scientist University of Sciences and Technology Noureddine MELIKECHI, D.Phil. HouariBoumedienne(USTHB) to pursue studies towards a DES Dean of Kennedy College of Sciences. (diplomed’etudessuperieures) in Interviewed by TAMZAIT Narimane and DERMOUCHI Sabrina Physics. My four years as a student at the 1-How do you describe your journey USTHB were tremendous, exciting as a student, before and after and very rich.I met wonderful studying abroad? people from all over the country Thank you for reaching out to me. I who became my friends for life, am very honored and touched that acquired a scientific base that you, students from my Alma matter, allowed me to pursue an advanced are taking this initiative. degree, and helped me develop a Your question is about my journey as stronger desire to learn. Despite the a student and points to a “before” numerous challenges, those years at and an “after”. I do wish to state the USTHB were pivotal in my growth at the onset that I believe that my as a physicist. As a member of the journey is interesting only if it helps third cohort (1976 freshmen class) to others in their own progress towards enroll at the USTHB, I experienced the their future. My journey is part of University’s first steps into the world a continuum that spans through of higher education. I remember time of course but also through listening to instructors delivering their opportunities and challenges.It has class while at the same time hearing deep and healthy roots in Algeria. the background noise of the heavy Thisprovide me the energy necessary machinery used to build the campus. to aim for what I consider important The campus was a dynamic one in my lifeand the compass that I use and growing at a fast pace. The to navigate in the rich, diverse and University was going through growing complex world that we all belong pains and we felt them but thanks to to.It is important to remind ourselves the dedication of the faculty, staff, that my journey as a student, like and leadership of the University, my that of my generation, is linked to journey, and I believe that of many our country’s history. I amfortunate other students,was rewarding and to have greatly benefited from the that it taught us a lot of useful lessons many opportunities that our country’s acquired inside and outside the independence provided. I take this classroom. opportunity to thank those,women Following my graduation with my and men, who sacrificed their Physics degree and thanks to a lives so that my generation could scholarship I received from the enjoy,among others, the benefits ofa Ministry of Higher Education, I was quality education. able to pursue my education and my I grew up in the small town of dream. I wantedto be a member of a Thenia, mid way between Algiers research group and eventually lead and TiziOuzou. In Thenia, I did all my my own. Many Algerian students at primary education. Following this that time benefited from scholarships step and as at that time there was to further our education abroad. no high school in Thenia, I enrolled in Leaving one’s country, one’s family, 9th grade (classe de seconde) at the one’s friend and community is never