USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 25

It was around February of last year, when some members of the Project Initiative club had the idea, and with the help of the ‘USTHB Bénèvole’ group, GREEN USTHB came to life, now, I’ve postponed this long enough, I shall tell you all about this suc- cessful project. GREEN USTHB is an event meant for anyone who believes our environment deserves more delicate care, the name was origi- nally inspired by the green grass stretched all over our university, and the main goal behind it is to clean every nook and cranny around the campus, giving it back that addictive brightness it used to have, all whilst spreading environment related aware- ness, opening, therefore, start-up opportunities, promoting dif- ferent Bio projects and Biodegradable packages. For this year’s edition, as confirmed by the coordinator of the project DELLI Amel, the volunteering work will be much more fun and worth the shot, since unlike last year, there will be enough needed materials, high tech included, extra volunteers (thanks to the Domino effect applied by students and other USTHB visi- tors) AND! Play the drums please… games and prizes! Yes that’s right, you won’t walk empty handed this time, all you need to do is participate, enjoy, and hope for the best! Speaking of the best, I have to admit, the program planned for this 2nd edition is very promising, I feel excited just thinking about it, there will be a whole week filled with scheduled activ- ities, from the main cleaning part, where volunteers get divided into teams led by designated and qualified leaders, to the many workshops that will certainly come in handy to you in future (I mention ‘how to build your own green tech company’, social en- trepreneurship and more), and of course, the much awaited con- ference during the university’s 43th anniversary, which will ba- sically talk about environment preservation, garbage recycling, bio projects and bio degradable materials start-ups. I had the honor to address the project coordinator myself, and despite her busy schedule, she managed to kindly squeeze in some time for my amateur questions, though as much as I liked her answers, I loved her last words even more, as a message sent to you all dear readers, and anyone who’s somehow a part of USTHB, she said, and I quote: “as the main coordinator of GREEN USTHB, and a devoted sustainable development mil- itant, I invite each and every single person visiting the campus frequently, whether you are a student, a professor or an em- ployee, to join this successful movement, and together we will completely change the appearance of our university, let’s bring back the values of environment, and sustainable development, together, we’ll celebrate the beauty of the University of Science and Technology Houari BOUMEDIENNE”. I hope I’ve raised the sense of anticipation with- in you all through these few words, for it would be wonderful to meet not only familiar but also new faces during this year’s edition, some wise man once said: “alone we might be weak, but together we can be strong”, I honestly can never argue with that, I mean… the more, the merri- er! By Khadidja DJEBAIRIA 24